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Johnny walked through the city, heading to get new earphones after his old ones broke, a small sigh coming from him. The sound of singing filled the air as he got closer to a cafe building. He stopped, looking up towards the roof, a ladder nearby that had been pulled down. He walked over, climbing up he ladder to the cafe roof. A leopard girl stood not far from him, a smile on her face as she sang. "Wow"Johnny mumbles staring at her. "Palms rise to the universe, as we moonshine and molly, feel the warmth, we'll never die! We're like diamonds in the sky"The leopard girl sang twirling away from her spot. Johnny climbed the rest of the way up, sitting on a crate as he watched her. "You're a shooting star I see, a vision of ecstacy! When you hold me, I'm alive, we're like diamonds in the sky"The girl smiled Johnny setting his phone down.

"At first sight I felt the energy of- AH!" The leopard girl tripped over something and fell over, Johnny getting up alarmed. "Hey are you alright!"Johnny asks. He froze, staring at her foot, noticing it was scarred, twisted and the bones looked a little crushed. She stared at him, her eyes wide then quickly got up, limping away. "Wait!"Johnny yells hurrying after her. He stopped, watching as she limp ran away. He hurried down, running back to the theater the others were practicing at. He bursted into the theater, startling the others with how out of breath he was. "You okay?"Nooshy asks surprised as she got up. "Guys, I just heard someone singing! Sh-She was amazing!"Johnny smiled hurrying over to them. "An amazing singer?"Clay asks walking over, Ash beside him. "Yes, she has an amazing voice and she's a good dancer"Johnny nodded. "What's the bad part, I can see it on your face Johnny"Moon asks walking over.

"She has a bad foot"Johnny replies. "A bad foot?"Rosita repeats startled. "Yeah, it was all scarred, a little twisted and the bones looked somewhat crushed, but she could still walk on it..that's the downside to her dancing"Johnny explains. "That sounds like my girl, Secret, she's a close friend"Nooshy comments. "Secret?"Johnny mutters. "Yeah, we were childhood friends, but her mother moved away after divorcing and went to live with her auntie"Nooshy nods. "Do you know what happened to her foot?"Meena asks worried. "Got into an accident after her mother divorced her father, doctors had to do surgery on her leg, been like that ever since"Nooshy replies. "They never tried to properly fix it"Clay demands agitated. "Clay?"Ash says surprised. "Secret is my goddaughter, nobody ever told me about the accident"Clay growled.

"If they had I'd have made sure she got proper surgery to fix her foot"Clay sighed. "You did go into hiding for a long while"Ash reminds. "Can we get her surgery now?"Johnny asks. "Probably not"Clay replies. "Uhm hello." A leopard girl walked in, holding Johnny's phone. "You forgot this"The leopard says limping over. "Secret, hey!"Nooshy grinned. Secret stared at Nooshy and nodded politely in greeting. "I'd better get going"Secret says turning away, Nooshy staring at her in disbelief. "Wait! Johnny here says you're a good singer, how would you like to join us tomorrow for some rehearsals!"Moon smiled. "No thank you, I gave singing, sir"Secret says. She walked away, her ears drooping. "Gave up singing, that's not the Secret I remember"Clay says stunned.

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