21. The Proof of True Love

Start from the beginning

"Adequate suggestion, Mrs Ambrose."

I smirked. "Why, thank you, Sir. And remember, my name is Mr Victor Linton."

"Not right here," he growled as his strong hands took a firm hold of my face. "Not right now you aren't!"

And then he kissed me. Hard.


How I had missed this. How I had missed him.

"You know..." I whispered against his lips. "I really wish I wasn't still a bit sore down there. I really wish we could, you know..."

In the darkness of the alcove, his eyes flashed. "Don't tempt me!"

"Why not?" I smirked. "That's half the fun."

Another predatory growl erupted from his throat, and his lips once more came down to slam a kiss on mine. And what a kiss it was!

Oh my...I knew teasing him was going to be fun, but I didn't think it would be this much fun!

In a blink, his arms slid around me and, with a jerk, he pulled me roughly against him. Hard muscles dug into me, so achingly familiar, and yet so very, very new. God, it had been so long! Originally, I'd wanted to tease him some more but, right now, I just wanted to rip his clothes off, mount him where he stood and—

—and footsteps came down the corridor outside.

The both of us froze. Or...scratch that. I froze! The living glacier I had married, on the other hand, seemed to think that now of all times was a good moment to make his move and get me to melt in his arms. Those dexterous hands of his started moving all over my body, uncaring of any clothes that might be in the way. Buttons popped and strings loosened—and all the while, outside, the sound of footsteps kept coming closer.

"Stop this!" I hissed, trying desperately to keep a moan from escaping my mouth.

"Stop what?" The low rumble of his voice right in my ear turned my knees to jelly. Then his hands slid up under my shirt and... Ooooh....! "Stop this?"

"Y-yes. You should r-really s-stop that."

"I see." His fingers shifted, moving up until they found certain assets of mine that had recently grown a bit. Immediately, he began the seizure of said assets. Thoroughly. "And should I stop that as well?"


For some reason, I didn't manage to get more words out of my mouth. Seeing this as my answer, Mr Ambrose continued to rapidly confiscate my assets, something which he apparently was very good at. Greedy scumbag business mogul!

Finally, his mouth broke away from mine. I could feel his hot breath wash over my face, and it sent a delicious shiver down my spine. Gathering all my willpower—which, right now, was about enough to fill a thimble—I licked my lips, trying to somehow gather enough moisture in my dry mouth to speak.

"We... we should really stop this."


That was when the footsteps outside arrived just in front of our little hideout. Now, only a curtain was separating us from whoever was out there.

"Y-yes!" I hissed. "We really bloody should!"

"Why?" he whispered in my ear like the snake in paradise, only a lot more seductively. "So we stay undiscovered? So you don't make any noise?"

"Of course! What do you think, you darn—"

He cut off my words halfway with a finger on my lips. "That won't be any problem," he growled. "I know how to silence people."

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