alone together

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"I'm so pleased you were able to find time to have tea with me, miss Joyful " wally beamed putting on his best smile as he took a tray of freshly baked cupcakes out of the kitchen, the smell wafted passed Julie's nostrils, it was a warm buttery, syrupy smell, like it had wafted from the ovens of paradise itself, wally certainly had a sweet tooth judging by the small assortment of treats spread out on the table, perfect for a private get together with a friend.

'Mmmm cupcakes'

"it's no problem, I'm just happy I could help" she replied, eyeing  the pastries hungrily, it had been a few days since their interaction in the meadow, the thoughts of what wally had said lingered in her mind, keeping her up at night while a fuzzy feeling enveloped her senses, she couldn't help it, he was just so charming and sweet she wouldn't stay away even if she wanted too.

Wally donned his signature smirk as he put down the tray and sat next to Julie, a plethora of portraits could be seen around the room, however one in particular stood out, it was a picture of her surrounded by a shower of petals looking quite serene.

"Oh! Wally! it's so pretty" her eyes lit up, gaze fixed on the painting as she grabbed a cupcake from the tray

"you think so?"

" Mhm, It's your best work yet" she declared, munching down on the pastry.

the painter got up, retrieving his piece to better show it off to his guest "your too kind, I just had happen to an act for art, after all I have you to thank for this" wally chuckled.

"Could you maybe.... Teach me how to paint" Julie asked with an ecstatic smile

"You want me.... to teach you? Oh I don't know...." Wally tailed off, not sure what to make of the situation as he didn't fancy himself much of a teacher.

"Come on just this once! I promise not to make a mess, please! Pretty please!..." her lashes fluttered as she looked at him with pleading puppy dog eyes that would put even Barnaby to shame.

"Alright, but only if you let me paint you again" wally said, not wanting to miss an opportunity to capture her likeness.

Julie nodded.

Now they sat across from each other, canvases tilted just enough so that they could easily paint portraits, Wally looks at her intently trying to best find the right shade of golden blonde to use for her hair, meanwhile Julie stuck her tongue out in concentration only looking up every now and again to get a better look her subject for reference.

Wally shook his head in amusement, she was absolutely adorable, he couldn't help but feel a certain way every time his eyes met hers as a strange sensation began to overtake him, it was... oddly endearing.

Once he was done wally pivoted around, putting the finishing touches on his work, giving himself a satisfied smile as he completed his piece.

"And... done!" Julie declared with a triumphant expression on her face, she truned her easel to him and wally couldn't help but analyze her painting, the proportions were off and their was no depth in her lines, it also lacked shading but Julie was ever so happy with it so he didn't judge it too harshly.

"Does it look okay?" She asked

"It's...wonderful" he replies softly taking it from her hands as he eyes it curiously, he wonders if she'll let him keep it.

"Can I see yours?" Wally nods, truning his canvas around as he was met with a sharp gasp and delighted sequel.

"Oh Wally..." she sighs blissfully "I look so..."

Wally's cheeks went warm "beautiful?"

Julie nods, smiling brightly "how do you do it?"

wally walks to her side, leaning over her shoulder to better position himself "well it's quite simple actually you just need to hold your brush firmly, like this" the painter took Julie's soft hand in his as he guided her brush along the canvas, Wally's blush deepening when their hands met.

They make Me happy (An Applepie Story)Where stories live. Discover now