Be my muse

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The happy warmth of the sun rushed all worries away as the resident artist, Wally Darling, stood by his easel, he figured he could use this lovely day as inspiration to create some beautiful art though, he wasn't getting very far with his endeavors , it was the ideal seetting, the sky was clear today, it was a perfect baby blue without a single wisp of cloud, it was the kind of sky one could stare into forever as the birds melodicaly sang their song making it the perfect weather for painting however nothing came to mind. Perplexed he put his brush to canvas but came out blank.

Wally sighed forlornly, he wasn't usually this distracted, on a good day he could finish a portrait within a few hours but it would seem his artistic integrity wasn't coming through today in fact it hadn't been coming through for the past few weeks, perhaps a nice walk around the neighborhood would lighten his mood, art block was certainly taking it's toll on him.

Moving his art supplies inside, wally slips on his cardigan and wishes home goodbye, pocketing a small sketch book and pencil as he did so, just in case in.

"I'm going out home, I should be back later today" he stated fixing his cravat


The sentient house responds with a few creeks and squeaks from its floor bords

Wally let out a hearty chuckle "I'll be back soon, don't worry" he says opening the door to leave, earning a defeated creeking noise from his living space

Wally smiled basking in the sunshine as he walks with a skip in his step

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood...


Julie Joyful was currently hard at work in her garden, the newly planted flower buds needed tending too, humming softly to herself, she lifts up her watering can to give her plants a good sprinkling, it was such a nice morning, after she was done maybe she could go see Frank or Poppy or maybe they could all get together and play a round of hopscotch, she giggled softly to herself, hopscotch sounded good, she continued to work when she heard a familiar voice

"Morning Julie"

Julie looks up to see none other then the resident mail man, Eddie

"Morning Eddie"

"A letter came for you today" he chipped handing her a brightly colored envelop. Julie stopped in her work taking the letter, inspecting the envelope she noticed their was a familiar post mark crisply stamped on the top right corner, prodding her mail she opened it curiously.

"It's from my siblings!" she called as she began to read while Eddie waved and walked away with a smile

The letter itself was nothing out of the ordinary, just the usual, asking her how she was and if she was doing alright though one question in particular caught her off guard though, Are you seeing anyone? Julie couldn't help but blush at the abrupt interrogation of her personal life, she knew her sisters were just looking out for her and were probably just trying to start up an interesting conversation, but still wasn't something Julie was entirely comfortable discussing, no one has ever taken an interest in her like that and even if someone did she wouldn't know how to react, it would most certainly be an awkward exchange between both parties.

she sighed and pocketed the letter, she would write a response later but right now she had friends to spend time with.


"I don't know what it is Barnaby.... it's like I'm losing my touch"
Wally ranted looking up at his bestfriend with a notably smaller smile, Barnaby took a puff of his pipe and listened intently, the two had run into each other while the puppet was on his walk and took it as an opportunity to do some catching up and that's when Wally decided to tell him about his current dilemma.

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