The Nightmare Realm

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A girl ran through the trees. She didn't understand how she ended up in this world. She had fallen asleep and she woke up in this strange place. The light of a red moon shone through the trees, and she happened upon a clearing. She looked up and saw a pitch black sky. Her eyes widened as she saw not one but two blood red moons in the sky. One was a thin crescent moon, and the other was a full moon. The girl shivered in both fear and from the cold, and she advanced closer to the tree line in front of her. She tripped over something big, and there was a snarl. The dim red light showed a tail retreating from her, and she took a step back. Purple eyes stared at her, and she scurried backward. A giant winged creature stepped out, and she looked in awe. She could only describe it as the dragons she saw in storybooks. The dragon studied the girl and was confused about why she wasn't screaming. He inched his head lower towards her, and she stayed silent. She was going to die, and she figured that she may have a fighting chance if she didn't scream at it. She woke it up by stepping on its tail. The dragon didn't seem like it was going to kill her just yet. She stood up and cautiously shifted closer to black dragon. It's no wonder she tripped over his tail; he blended perfectly in the shadows. He sniffed her, and apparently, he deemed her not a threat because he let her touch his nose. "I'm sorry I stepped on your tail." The girl spoke softly. "I didn't see you there, and you camouflaged in the darkness." Now that the dragon wasn't a threat and she wasn't going to die, the girl calmed down. "I'm Serenity." The girl introduced herself. The dragon made a noise, and she didn't flinch. "I'm trying to find my way out of this forest." She turned around and walked away from the dragon. With that, the dragon picked her up by the back of the shirt and flew off. Serenity accepted defeat and realized she was going to get eaten. Oh well, at least she got to touch a dragon. They landed down in front of a castle that was basked in a red glow, and she was set down. She fell forward as her legs gave out from the force of him suddenly dropping her, and she felt heat very close to her body. She turned to face the dragon, but a boy stood in its place. He had the same purple eyes as the dragon, and his black hair matched his scales and was down to his chin. His most distinguishing feature was the draconic wings on his back and the horns on top of his head.

"You are quite strange, Little One." The boy spoke. "Immune to my fear magic. That's a new one. We don't get many visitors here." The boy stood in front of her. "I believe you said your name was Serenity, did you not?" With that, Serenity fainted from shock. The boy sighed as he picked her up. She was sent here for a reason, and he would find out what was so special about the girl in his arms. His wings fluttered as he walked through the doors. A black wolf ran up to him. He looked confused at the girl. "Malakai, I did not kidnap her." The dragon hissed, knowing the look on the wolf's face.

"Hmm? A human in The Nightmare Realm?" Another boy hummed above him. The dragon looked up and saw a familiar grin. He was floating upside down, and the boy landed on his feet. He stepped closer, his green eyes narrowing onto her barely clothed body. "A female one at that. She's a virgin, too!" The dragon hissed, and the boy took a step back. "What is it, Daemon?" The wolf started to shift back into human. Another boy stood up, his hair matching the fur of the wolf. His blue eyes were focused on the girl sleeping.

"She's immune to my magic. She didn't scream when I was in my full form."

"Really?" Malakai was amazed.

"She stepped on my tail and apologized."

"A brave little one. Do you think she's the one?" The other boy asked as his black demonic wings stretched to their full length. His tail whipped behind him.

"Nora. We're not going to hurt her." Daemon hissed. Nora sighed as he stretched.

"You're no fun." Nora hissed.

"Nora. Daemon is the oldest."

"I'm well aware of that!" With that, the two boys started to fight.

"Enough!" Daemon raised his voice, and the two moved away. Serenity whined in his arms, and he went silent.

"Tell the children that we have a guest." Daemon smirked as the other two smirked in response. Daemon carried the girl towards a bedroom, and Nora and Malakai went to find the Children of The Nightmare Realm.

"I can't wait to taste her." Nora moaned softly. "I want her to be squirming under me."

"You'll have to wait." Malakai hissed.

"You want to do the same thing. I saw the way you looked at her."

"Yes. But she's immune to our brother's magic. No one has been immune to him. Well, other than us, but a female?"

"He will share." Nora hummed. "It's the thing we agreed on."

"I know." A creature came up and chittered at them.

"Tell the other children that we have a guest. She's immune to Daemon's fear magic." Nora spoke to the creature. "He wants us to treat her like a special guest." The creature chittered loudly and ran. Nora and Malakai heard a scream.

"Don't you dare!" Malakai hissed as his brother disappeared into a flurry of shadows. Malakai ran towards the scream and saw the girl awake. Daemon covered his ears, and he hissed out green flames.

"Stop screaming, Little One!"

"Get away!" Serenity hissed as she tried to hit the male with the pillow. Daemon growled and pinned her down.

"Listen to me well, human. You are here for a reason. Now behave before I let Nora have his way with you. He hasn't fed in a while." Serenity nodded, and the boy moved away. "Trust me, you don't want that, I promise."

"Who are you?"

"I'm Daemon Nekobauki. One of the Nekobauki triplets."

"What are you?"

"A dragon." Serenity yelped as arms wrapped around her waist.

"Mmmm, it's such a shame I couldn't have my way. I would love to take your virginity." Serenity whimpered as the boy licked the shell of her ear. She started to struggle and whine.

"Nora." Daemon warned.

"Oh, come on. You want to fuck her too. The Nightmare Realm always has a reason for sending someone here." Nora licked her neck.

"Yes. But let's not make her too uncomfortable. She's in a place where she has never been." With that, Nora let her go and sighed.

"Alright. But that doesn't mean I'm not going to tease her." Serenity faced the boy and saw wings and a tail.

"What are you?"

"An incubus. I'm the youngest of the Nekobauki triplets, with Malakai being the second oldest."


"Malakai is a werewolf." Serenity's eyes widened, and she backed away from all the boys.

"I want to go home." Serenity whispered.

"You can't. Only the Nightmare Realm can send you back."

"Why am I here?"

"We don't entirely know." Malakai spoke.

"There's a chance you might be our queen. Most of the people who come here are rapists and murderers. People who deserve to die. But you're a virgin, and there's no trace of another's blood on you." Nora sat next to her. He smirked at her, and she moved away.

"We know that you are scared. But we will protect you." Daemon spoke. "But now is the time to sleep. You are exhausted, and you need rest."

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