Sick days

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I woke up, feeling hot, sweaty and gross, with Jameson bent over me. "Are you okay?" Was the first thing he said to me. At first i was confused about what he mean't. He sat back up on the bed and reached a hand out. I took it. I sat up in bed feeling suddenly light-headed. As my sleep-weak body nearly colapsed back into the matress, Jameson caught me by the elbow. 

Not letting go of my elbow so i had some sense of stability, his other hand moved to brush the hair away from my forehead. My body felt like i was on fire. He put his cool hand on my forehead. "Your're burning up." He said, fliping his hand to hopefully put out the fire that was my skin.

"Im fine." I gave a weak smile. Jameson gave me a look that clearly said no, you're not. I loved him, but sometimes he could be a bit paranoid as he was now. He trailed his hand down my arm from my elbow to capture my hand into his. A slight shiver found its way down my spine as he carfully interlocked our fingers. 

"Uh huh, sure you are." He grabbed my other hand. "Yes i am. Just" I faultered. "A bit hot, thats all." Jameson let out small laugh. "You don't always have to be okay." "I know that." I told him, trying not to get more flustered than i alredy was. "I don't think you do." I rolled my eyes. I was about to retort but i knew we could go back and forth like this for a long time. I thought it best to stop now. 

We sat there for awhile. Neither one of us wanting to move. Neither one of us wanting to speak. Finally one of us broke the scilence. "I'll be back in a second." It was him. Jameson kissed my knuckles before getting out of the bed and going into the bathroom.

I kicked the blankets down off of me, another wave of heat overtaking my already hot body. The feeling of sweat making me more uncomforble than i already was. I thought about what he said. But i was determined that right now, he was just over reacting. Right? He came back from the bathroom tinkering with something. He sat on the edge of the bed and brought the object level to my face.

"Part you lips for me." He instructed. His hand warm calloused hands running over my lips. He slipped the item i know regerstered as a thermometer, into my mouth.  "After a couple seconds it finally beeped. "99.3F"   Read the small screen of the thermometer. "Heiress you should rest more. your clearly sick." Jameson put the thermometer on the night stand. "You stay here, im going to go get some things." He brushed the hair hiding my face and kissed my forehead. 

I saw him quickly pull on a shirt that previously rested draped over the end of the bed, and snuck out the door, leaving it open a crack as he left. I headed over to one of the windows across from the bed, and opened it. The cool summer breeze welcoming me. I inhaled the cool air but before i could exhale a fit of sneezes escaped me. Maybe i was sick. I slumped back over to the bed and laid over the covers, too hot to pull them over me.

I nestled my head back into my pillow whilst i waited for him to come back. Still feeling dizzy, i grabbed a nearly empty glass of water from my bedside and downed it. When i put the glass back down, i glanced at the alarm clock fit snugly behind it. 6:27. I watched as the luminous, red pixels formed into the numbers 6:28. Then 6:29.  I watched the clock intently, only taking the occasional break to glance at the door. it was at 6:34 that Jameson returned to our bedroom. He was holding a small bottle of pills, a water bottle, and a mug whose dark contents i could not make out in the dim light. 

He peaked over at the open window. The breeze had died down, but was never the less still refreashing in the heat of the bedroom.  My normal body tempeture restoring itself slowly. 

He handed me the water bottle and opened the glass bottle. I brought the cold water bottle to my forehead and let out a sigh of relief. Jameson handed me two of the small pills and put container, along with the mystery drink on the night stand. I opened the water bottle and quickly swallowed the pills. "Good girl." Jameson planted a kiss in my messy morning hair. 

I was about to ask what the drink was, but a fit of coughs interupted my previous thoughts. Jameson pat me lightly on the back as i strugled to regain my breath. He passed me the mug, who housed tea. "Herbal tea." He explained. "Its good for your throat." I drunk some of the tea, but couldn't continue after i had burned the roof of my mouth several times. 

I lay back down as Jameson covered me with a light-weight blanket. I tried taking it off, but he wrapped me in it once more, this time a little tighter. He reassumed his spot next to me on the bed. He settled in and put his arms around me. One drapped loosely over my waist, the other holding our already joinded hands just under my neck. The heat killing me, the pleasure making my heart race.  

 I curled up closer to him. "You should go back to sleep Avery." He whispeard in my ear. I didn't fight back i as normally would. I heard his voice in my head. You don't always have to be okay. I came to the conclusion that i may need to retracted my previous statment of him over reacting. I setteled on the fact that he was right, and right now that mean't sleeping.  I lay my head in the crook of his neck, and fell into a much more blissful sleep. 

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