Chapter 2 : pretty princess

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You wake up and look around mario following you close behind " what is this place"? You go over to a large blue mushroom

A little person with a mushroom cap and a large backpack and tow black dots for eyes pops up "oh this one is perfectly fine he giggles Mario jumps in shock going on the floor mumbling in shock your eyes sparkle like this was a dream come true

"OH MY GOODNESS" you shout grabbing the little mushroom man " YOU ARE SO ADORABLE"

he asks you to put him down in a polite tone and you do you kneel to his level " what's your name little guy"? You ask curious " toad pleasure to meet you mrs?" " oh it's y/n" Mario walks over
"I'm Mario anyways have you seen a tall green capes person he is my brother Luigi he ended up going in to a pipe that is well.... Foggy and full of lava"?

Toad stops dead in his tracks " oh no that isn't good...." You shake " is everything okay toad" he looks over to you tow explaining who bowser is you were actually kinda scared your older cousin is in danger and you can't do anything but toad tells you " you guys will need to go to the princess"! He jumps on top of a mushroom " she can do anything"!
You both walk not noticing a koopa troop watching you tow....
After mario getting uppercut by a very beautiful women " wait" she stops her toads from tackling you to she helps you up getting a look at her blue beautiful eyes you blush you have never seen such a pretty woman before no wonder she was a princess she slowly grabs your shoulder s helping you up " wait are you a human"!?! She starts circling around you " yes your highness I am" you were still flustered she poked at your body " you look like me but different Not b-bad but a good different" mario comes over " your highness we need your help my brother and I fell through a pipe" you clear your throat " o-oh and my younger cousin" you nod letting him continue " and he ended up in the dark lands peach gasps " well it only a matter of time of bowser catching him" she broads up her shoulders " but I'm on my way to stop him" " take us with you" mario says peach kneels to his level " this guy is a lunatic he will eat you up for breakfast he probably wouldn't know because your so small" after mario convinced her she grabbed your arm taking you to a balcony and an obstacle course she let you stay by her side as mario had to do it " finish this course then you can come with me she was so elegant so gracefully going through this obstacle course like a champ
After one training montage you guys decided to go on your journey toad joining yay!
Meanwhile in bowser's castle kamek told him about you and Mario not really caring until you were brought up kamek brought in the troop that saw her with Mario and kamek was able to make a little hologram of you showing bowser you were hopping around in adorable face as you sit on peach's shoulders messing around with her blond hair as bowser saw you he never seen such a beautiful cute little thing he sits in his throne shooing kamek away eventually his minions coming in "we found him sire what should we do"
bowser chuckles
" leave him to me"
he walks over to Luigi " what's your name" Luigi shivers in fear " lu-Luigi" bowser smirks " you see Luigi im about to rule the world and get married" Luigi nervously chuckles saying "yay"...
" but there is one problem Luigi a princess and a man are traveling with my fiancé has a mustache just like yours" he tears of Luigi string of hair " DO YOU KNOW THEM" Luigi shouts out in fear " YES THEY ARE BOTH MY BROTHER AND YOUNGER CISOUN Y/N HER AND MY BROTHER ARE AMAZING"! He shouts out in fear
"IS SHE SINGLE" Luigi stops " w-what"? He asks bowser glares at him " is that girl of your single" Luigi shivers " yes".....
bowser chuckles " perfect I got a wedding to plan" Luigi realized HE WANTS TO MARRY YOU OH NO " take him to the dungeon" he says in a cruel tone...
To be Continued.....

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