Meet the Characters

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Follow our ragtag heroes-for-hire as they fight against overwhelming odds and discover the secrets of Grogu that could affect not only their current mission but also their future.

Din Djarin and his team were living off the successful bounty hunting business they had built. But they were far from satisfied with a life of leisure. They wanted missions that would bring meaning to their lives and make a difference in the universe.

Little did they know that a mission would soon come their way that would take them to uncharted corners of the galaxy and put the very fabric of peace in the universe at risk.

On a routine bounty hunting mission, Din and his team are shocked to discover a small force sensitive child, who they soon find out is named Grogu. Such a find is rare and dangerous. Din and his team knew this and thus, they decided to do the heroic thing and protect Grogu from the forces that would use the child for evil. They set out to find a safe place for the child and complete their mission, at the same time.

As their mission progresses, it becomes apparent that Grogu knows more than any of them knew. Ancient secrets that could affect the fate of the universe. With the price of Grogu's head continuously increasing, the team must uncover the mystery surrounding him and protect him from the imperial and other forces that seek to possess him.

The Guardians of the Galaxy come to realize that protecting Grogu is bigger than any bounty they had chased before. If they fail, universal war and destruction will follow. Proving that they are not just heroes-for-hire, but also protectors of a greater mission, they fight against all odds to keep Grogu safe, save the universe and in the process learn something more important - the value of friendship, loyalty and family.


I am considering the idea to write a Mandalorian × Guardians of The Galaxy AU as I think the concept of it would work so well in the star wars universe. I love GoTG so much so I came up with the characters and their backstories. This story is basically canon divergence. I'm taking elements of the video game and the movies to adapt this.


Din Djarin/Mando - A young boy who once grew up on the planet of Aq Vetina, Din Djarin was surrounded by music and prosperity. But his home planet was ravaged by an attack from separatist battle droids during the clone wars, where he lost his parents and everything he knew. He was rescued by Boba Fett and his band of mercenaries, who adopted Din as one of their own. He raised him as a foundling. Din learned the ways of Mandalorian culture and was bestowed his own armour. He served under Boba's criminal empire in Tatooine and was instrumental in helping him take back the throne from Bib Fortuna. Din eventually chose his own path and ventured into the galaxy to make a name for himself. He became a feared bounty hunter and made his rounds across the galaxy, collecting bounties and getting paid. He was an avid fan of music and would listen to his own Walkman everywhere he went. In his travels, he would encounter Bo Katan Kryze, Paz Viszla, Kuill and IG-11 as they become an unlikely band of misfits called the Guardians of The Galaxy. They became famed across the galaxy for their heroic efforts in helping Boba and his crew free Tatooine from the Pym Syndicate. They travel across the treacherous plains of the galaxy, becoming heroes for hire as they took on many bounties, including taking down imperial remnants. Din is level headed and must keep the team together. He is prone to bicker with his teammates. Din's life changes forever when he finds the young child Grogu. He takes him in and protects him from Moff Gideon and the empire.

Bo Katan Kryze - The former princess of Mandalore, who was exiled for the atrocities she committed with the death watch. She was once in possession of the darksaber, but she was forced to surrender it to the empire and her planet fell. She blames herself for the fall of Mandalore and for the death of her sister Satine at the hands of the Sith. She now wanders the outer rim, seeking to atone for her sins and leave her past behind her. She garnered a reputation as the deadliest woman in the galaxy due to her intimating nature. She is fuelled by anger and self hatred.That's when she meets Din Djarin, who gives her purpose and brings her onto the team. Serving the Guardians, she begins to find atonement in the team and gets the opportunity to right the wrongs of her past. Doing good for the galaxy allows her to be the person her family would have wanted. She has felt abandoned for most of her life and is scared of ending up alone. She has feelings for Din and so does he, but they are too scared to address what's going on between them. She is the only sane one among the team.

Paz Viszla - Paz is a Mandalorian who once served the religious sect The Children of the Watch but his tribe were eradicated by imperial forces. He lost everyone he cared about, including his son Ragnarr. He is fuelled by anger, seeking revenge against the empire and all that was left of it. He became an infamous killer and bounty hunter amongst the galaxy who is ruthless and violent with his targets. He takes metaphors too literal and doesn't think before he speaks. He keeps his helmet on at all times as a way of honouring the traditions of his fallen tribe. No one has seen his face ever and he likes to keep it that way. He likes to dive headfirst into battle and is deadly in combat. He and Bo Katan butt heads constantly over their ideals of Mandalorian culture and their differing views. He tries to avoid Grogu as he reminds him of his dead son. When Moff Gideon comes in the scene, he takes it as an opportunity to get revenge.

Kuiil - A former Ugnaught slave who served a lifetime of servitude under the empire, Kuill earned his freedom through hard work and dedication. He has good craftsmanship and mechanic skills, becoming an expert at weapons and all kinds of technology. As a ploy to escape, he seized the assassin droid IG-11 and reprogrammed him to be a protector and nurse droid. The two make their way across the galaxy, completing bounties in exchange for droid parts. Kuiil dreams of becoming a droidsmith and desires to leave this dangerous life behind him so he can plant his own farm and build droids to his heart's content. He is one step closer to freedom. He is decisive, stoic and wise, having his way with words. He serves as a peacemaker amongst the Guardians and knows to convince others to trust him. He may be old, but he is swift and agile in the battlefield. He is a weapons specialist and carries many kinds of blasters and weapons he stole during his time on the run. He even builds his own weapons for his teammates and knows how to fix the razor crest if it needs repairs. He and Din constantly bicker about who is in charge and how to handle certain situations. He is good with creatures and knows how to tame them. He is famed for his skills in taming Boba Fett's rancor during their battle with the pym syndicate. He is very smart and knows how to strategise a plan.

IG-11 - IG-11 was once a personal assassin droid who took jobs for the empire. He was hired by the imperials to take down Ugnaught slave Kuill, who was considered meaningless to the galactic regiment. But his life was drastically changed when Kuill took him and reprogrammed him into a protector and nurse droid. He needed something at his side who could help him secure his freedom and the IG-series was the only person he could depend on. IG-11 became a bounty hunter and together with his partner and best friend Kuiil, they travel across the galaxy in search of jobs that could earn them freedom from the empire and mechanical parts they need in attaining retirement. They both trade droid parts across the galaxy and it led them to encounter Din Djarin. IG-11 becomes an integral member of the Guardians. He is a deadly and hostile combatant and expert marksman in battle, taking down enemies with firepower and his own strength. He can break a man's arm with his bare hands. He is highly protective of Grogu and carries him around in his napsack. He is willing to die for the child and offers to become a caretaker for him when Din and the rest of the Guardians are busy.

Grogu - Grogu is a force sensitive infant, who is the most sought bounty in the galaxy. Moff Gideon and the imperials are after him for their own nefarious purposes. When the Guardians take a job from the Client to retrieve the target as part of his collection, they head to the planet Arvala-7 to collect the bounty only to discover the child. Din decides not to take him back as he sees himself in the child and doesn't want to kill such an innocent soul. He and the Guardians take in the child, putting a hefty bounty on their heads as a result. Each of the Guardians take turns in looking after the child and keeping him away from danger. Grogu uses his force powers to save his newfound family on multiple occasions, but he passes out from exhaustion a few times. Grogu enjoys the thrilling life of travelling with the Guardians and grows fond of Din's music tastes. He is a fussy eater and searches for food whenever he can. He is basically everyone's child in the team. He enjoys taking fun rides in IG-11's pouch and dancing. The Guardians must protect him from imperial forces and bounty hunters that are after him.

Din Djarin/Mando  - Pedro Pascal
Bo Katan Kryze - Katee Sachkoff
Paz Viszla - Tait Fletcher
Kuiil - Nick Nolte (voice)
IG-11 - Takia Watiti (voice)

Moff Gideon - Giancarlo Esposito

Guardians of The Outer Rim || The Mandalorian × Guardians Of The Galaxy AU Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin