Chapter 5- Joanne

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It was October, my morning walk to university becoming a whirlwind of red and orange leaves. The food on my plate turned from sandwiches to warm soup, and the cup in my hand turned to a mug of morning coffee. Then came my favorite part – the sweaters. Warm, snuggly, sweaters.
An average day for me formed around play practice, but many of my friends focused on their four classes. Not that they weren't hard for me, I just like to stay on the topic of acting. After classes, I immediately went to theater rehearsals. Studying afterwards was simple...If you take out Henry. Not surprisingly, many things I do lately are like that.
After three years of fighting, I know Henry well. I know his least favorite jokes, his pet peeves, ways to press his buttons. But one thing I don't know is why he's dating Lila. I can tell a fake love when I see one, and Henry is always uncomfortable around her. I can live with Henry at my college. I cannot live with Lila and Henry both.

Another person I cannot tolerate is Jordan. To say the least, she's a two-faced troublemaker. She's the kind of person who will tell you she's thinking of pulling a prank and then you'll wake up with a fish in your dorm. I met her this year, but everyone has a "Jordon" in their lives sometimes.
It was Wednesday, a day that always ends unfortunate for me. I tried to ignore that thought as I sat down for breakfast. Speaking of Jordan, I was sitting with my next-dorm-neighbor, Ida. Ida is one of the most kind, unique people I'd ever met. Ever.
"Good morning, Joe!" Said Ida brightly. "Good morning" I replied, trying to match Ida's happiness. Maybe Ida and breakfast could help me ignore Jordan for just a breakfast?

After eating, Ida went to bus her plate. As we both stood up, Jordan whispered "Joe? That's a boy's name." Jordan smiled unkindly and walked away. "Glad she doesn't act" I muttered quietly under my breath, leaving towards the same door.

Yes, it was October, but unlike other students, I still carried around a schedule. It wasn't unlikely that I would end up in the wrong class, and I wouldn't take the risk. Pushing through the glass dining hall doors, I pulled out my copy. I took a deep breath, seeing that I only had a short literature class and a chemistry exam to complete. Slightly picking up my pace, I walked through the campus to Raven Hall, where my literature class would take place.
Scanning the room, I shuffled into my seat. With a short exchange of "Good morning", I smiled at the teacher. I think my love of literature came with my love of theater.
An hour past, and so did the clouds. I left the classroom thinking the morning might be a good one. It might actually have been, if chemistry was in Raven Hall. Instead, it was on the complete opposite side of campus.
The layout of the campus was quite simple, surprisingly. My map consisted of some buildings to the west, a rolling hill of green grass connecting them to lower buildings below, and some scattered dormitory buildings. The hill had a brick road following east, surrounded by trimmed trees and the occasional set of Adirondack chairs. Benches lined the round dining hall, and an elaborate water feature was placed in the middle of campus.
A way to rephrase that paragraph is "I go to school in heaven".
Making my way down the hill to Bunked Hall, I saw a familiar head of long blonde hair below me. I grew closer, close enough to see my friend had earbuds in. I ran a bit further, speeding up.
"Hi, Id-" I started, "You're not Ida..." I said awkwardly.
"What do you want?" Said Jordan dully, looking up. She didn't seem mad, just tired and dull.
"I..." I wanted Jordan to become Ida. "What class do you have next?"
"Er," Jordan took out her ear buds and I received a confused face. "Chemistry in Raven Hall, with...Mr. Renn"
I hoped and prayed my disappointment didn't show.
"Me too, actually." I said. Maybe I could have a normal conversation with her. "Do you like chemistry at all?"
"Not one bit." What was I expecting? "The teacher... knows me a little too well," What was that supposed to mean? I wondered. Jordan might be more confusing than mean.
"Well, what class do you like?" I said, far too boldly.
"I'm okay with math intro, actually," Joanne chortled mischievously. "I remember the time I ___________________"
"Oh!" To put it plainly, I was startled. Yet, I can very easily picture Jordan pulling that exact prank. "I- we better be getting on to chemistry." Walking down that road, I regretted ever starting any conversation with Jordan.
Approaching the double-doors of Bunked Hall, I heard another whisper in my ear.
"Speaking of, a little birdie told me Jordan's planning on stealing some jewels from Professor West," Jordan raised her eyebrows schemingly before walking off. I hurriedly followed after, shaking my head.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2023 ⏰

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