Chapter 3- Joanne

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All I thought about all day was that I was going to the same school as Henry. Thinking about his appearance, I almost walked right by the poster for a new musical that the school was going to showcase. It was called "The Great Love". Maybe something like this was the perfect thing to get Henry off my mind? I ran over to the large poster hung by pieces of tack and took it off the wall to look it over.
As I read it, I realized the auditions were tonight. I stuffed the poster in my bag and headed back to my dorm to get ready. After dressing up with hair and makeup, I headed to the auditorium to start my auditions.
When I got there, I saw a familiar face looking in the other direction. No way. My jaw dropped. Was that Henry!? Of course, when I try to get him out of my head, he shows up to my one chance at ignoring him. I feel like I'm in a book or something...
No. I'm not going to let Henry ruin my life anymore. I started walking with confidence towards my seat and sat on the opposite side of the auditorium from him. When it was my turn to say some lines and sing some songs, the director (named Ms. Lionel) said I did a great job. In fact, all the judges seemed to really like my performance.
I was going for one of the main characters: Alice, the one that falls in love with Jake. The cast list was going to be announced next weekend, so I was preparing myself for either option. I was nervous, but I knew I had a chance.
Finally, the day came. After breakfast with my new friend, Ida, I walked back to the wooden board where the cast list was hung up. Tracking down the list I found my name, next to Alice. But I also saw something else.

(Words: 331)

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