1.2 The Qu Family

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There went five-year-old Qu Mei, running around and acting cute in front of his family as he received coos from his father, rare smiles from his mother and smothering hugs from his sister. Of course, his aunts and uncles weren't spared, they all adored him.

Even that classic evil auntie of his who once humiliated him in front of Sang Qian in the past, could not resist his adorable manipulation.

What was he up to?

He was wrapping everyone around his currently tiny pinky so that in the future, he wouldn't have to deal with the possibility of them going against him.

As far as he remembered, the novel had been an angsty slice-of-life story that didn't have too much drama going on aside from that one-sided love story of Qu Mei and the disdain of some of his pompous relatives.

All they did was embarrass and harass him throughout the story, so while he was cautious, he knew there wouldn't be some elaborate scheme to bring him down of any sort.

The aforementioned relatives were mostly his mother's jealous cousins, nephews and nieces.

But who could hate him now?

"Meimei, your Grandpa Qu and Granny Murong is coming to your sixth birthday, aren't you excited?" Qu Ye grinned at his little son.

Qu Mei sat up, "Grandpa Qu isn't alone?"

"What do you mean?" Qu Ye placed a hand on the boy's head.

Granny Murong was Murong Tianmei, Qu Ye's mother…but Qu Mei never met her before, he had thought she passed away before he could turn five, but it's not like he remembers much of his childhood anyway.

He didn't think his grandparents were mentioned a lot in the story, other than the times it had compared Qu Ye to his similarly docile father, the Grandpa Qu whose full name was never said.

It was ridiculous how little he knew about things in his original life because he was too busy chasing after Sang Qian, and that damned novel told him stuff that he already knew. Well to be fair, it was the reason his memories returned to him.

"They're gonna bring a neighbour over, is that fine? He has a kid your age."

Qu Mei frowned.

Qu Mei: Alright who is this? I'm not stupid, I've read other transmigration novels before, it never ends well when stuff deviates from what you know. The loss of control is immense.

"Who is it?"

"You're already excited? Well, you'll have to wait until your birthday. But don't worry, I heard he'll be moving to our city soon, then you'll have a playmate for the first time."

Qu Mei: The bigger concern is what the hell is going to happen when he comes.

"A'Mei, big sister is back! Come play with me~"

Both of them turned to see a little girl standing in front of the gazebo in their backyard while carrying a bunch of books and notebooks. Qu Guo's homework, that was their playtime.

At this, Qu Mei turned to his father and said: "Big sister is my playmate."

The little five-year-old put down his Dr. Seuss book and hopped off the armchair he was sitting on, skipping up to his sister to help her with her assignments.

His family considered him a young genius, it wasn't too big of a difference considering Qu Mei had already been quite the golden child in the past, perfect in almost everything. Thus why it was such a shame he went down that horrible path of pursuing an unwilling man leading to his death. However, his knowledge in the present was far greater than that of his real five-year-old self.

To My First Life,Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon