Chapter One

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  "A toast to Cindy, who's only been with us for six months, but is already moving on to bigger and better things!" Amanda said as she stood, her cocktail waving in the air as she shouted to be heard over the rowdy bar crowd.

"Here Here!" the rest of the table shouted, and I turned red, ducking my head.

"Oh you guys, it's not that big of a deal!" I exclaimed, waving my hand about. I hated big displays of anything, being the center of attention was not my idea of fun. "Really, I swear! I'm probably going to regret jumping into this opportunity feet first, honestly!"

"Girl, I remember how much you said your pay was going to increase! Even if it's for a few months, that's still pretty bank if you ask me!" Amanda laughed, and I couldn't help but laugh with her. I smiled shyly and fanned my face, taking the shot they had set before me, then immediately chasing it with a swig of beer. I shook my head and gasped, then laughed. I opened my mouth to speak, but then the alarm went off on my phone.

"Oh, don't tell me you're leaving already?" Amanda pouted, as she tilted her head at me.

"I'm sorry! I have to get an early start tomorrow to get everything done on time, which means I can't stay any longer! I also can not afford to get any more drunk, hangovers are a bitch!" I said, while shrugging apologetically. I swayed just a little bit as I got up, and everyone rose with me to give me hugs and wish me well.

On my way out, I threw my empty shot glass, my half-empty beer, and the burner cell phone in the closest garbage bin I could find, then made my way out the front door. I swayed just a bit as a blast of wind hit me, looking around. With a nod, I turned to the right, bundling my light jacket around me in defense of the sudden change in weather.

"You look cold. Would you like to borrow my jacket?" Came from the shadows to my right, and I jumped with a gasp, swaying again. I squinted and peered into the darkness.

"John, is that you? You scared the shit out of me! You left almost an hour ago, I thought you went home?" I asked, confused.

"Oh I did, but I got restless and decided to go for a walk. I saw you and was going to just say hi and bye one last time, but you were so busy staring at the ground you didn't even see me. So, I decided to slip into the shadows here and give you one last spook, for old time's sake." He said as he moved towards me, grinning disarmingly.

"You big goof!" I exclaimed delightedly, aiming a playful swing at his shoulder. I misjudged the distance, however, and stumbled a bit. His arm slid around my waist as he steadied me, and I found myself sinking into the warmth of his chest. I looked up at him, smiling, prepared to thank him, when the expression on his face caused my mouth to drop open just a little bit. "John?"

"I'm sorry." He said, shaking himself a bit. He straightened up, and loosened his grip on me.

"Sorry for what?" I asked, head tilted.

"I... I promised myself I wouldn't do this, I wouldn't say anything. After all, you're leaving in the morning, there's no point." He said, looking away, face filled with sadness and regret. I reached up, gently brushing the side of his cheek.

"Say what?" I asked, voice as soft as my smile. He turned and looked at me, opening his mouth a few times before sighing.

"I've always wanted to kiss you, Cindy." He said, finally, and I felt my breath leave me in a little gasp. "In fact, I've always had a thing for you, since day one. I waited to make sure it was something real and not just, you know, infatuation on sight, and now you're leaving and none of it matters." He turned his head again, looking at the ground. After a moment's pause, I melted against his chest with a contented sigh. He made a noise of surprise, then his arms went around me.

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