"After I build this because I don't want you driving alone." I sternly said and she groaned. "I can drive baby, trust me please." She softly said as I kneeled down and took down what she started.

I glanced back over her as she showed off her belly with a smile. I smiled and shook my head. I digged in the back of my pocket and grabbed a stack of cash I recently got out the bank.

I counted it leaving me with 1000$. "Here." I handed her the whole stack. "Thank you." She squealed and grabbed the money before kissing my cheek.

I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back to me. "Give me a proper kiss." I lowly said as I stood up so she wouldn't bend down.

She smashed her lips onto mine slowly and I quickly wrapped my hands around her waist tightly.

I squeezed her ass making her moan. I slowly pulled away and kneeled back down. "Enjoy yourself and don't be out to long." I softly said and she hummed and walked out the room.


It's been hours since I've finished building the Changing station. I've even color coordinated her clothes and shoes.

Now I caught myself talking to hades on the phone as I sipped on whiskey. "I knew she was pregnant. Have you told ma and pa?" He asked as I took a sip of the whiskey.

"No I haven't." I rasped as I looked at the clock that was reaching 9pm. She's been out since 2, where is she?

"Idiot, ma is going to flip!" Hades spat over the phone and I groaned. "Yeah, I know. I'm going to tell her soon."

"When is soon?" My brother said and I shrugged even though he couldn't see me. "I said soon." I spat.

The door opened making me glance over to see Amara stumbling in. "I have to call you back." I sternly said and hung up.

"Where were you?" I asked as I looked straight ahead. "I was out." She dryly said as she took off her flats and held them.

"Where." I bluntly said. "None of your concern." She spat as she went to approch the stairs.

"It is my fucking concern Amara. Your pregnant with my baby, who fucking knows what could have happened! You didn't text me or call me dammit." I yelled out as I stood up making her stop.

"I don't have to tell you everything Zade, it's my life." She spat and I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "I don't give a shit if it's your life. Atleast check in! You leave me on seen, delivered, I called you almost a hundred times." I growled out.

"Are you messing with another motherfucker?" I bluntly said as I placed my hands behind my back.

"What? No!" She yelled out. "Now your accusing me of cheating-"

"That's what it fucking look like!" I spat before shaking my head. "Stay down here, don't come up and sleep up here." She spat and walked up the stairs.

I slammed my hands against the wall and ran my hands through my hair. I grabbed my coat and shoes before opening and slamming the door close.

Amara zealand

I was out visiting Mila and her new baby and then on top of that Gianna approched me and threaten me and my baby life if I told Zade.

LustOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora