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When we got back to his house, I took a shower and laid onto his bed watching my phone. When he got out of the shower, he laid down next to me and pulled me into him, placing a kiss on my cheek. "Princess, I have something planned for us tomorrow but it's a surprise so I can't tell you." I laughed and snuggled closer against him, and we both fell asleep. When I woke up in the morning Ace wasn't there. I looked over to his side of the bed and saw a note with a flower "I'll be back soon princess, I'm just running arenes. When I get back, we will go to our surprise so make sure you're ready. Yours forever Acey" I smiled and jumped out of bed, trying my best to hurry up. Once I finished getting ready, I headed downstairs and saw Jessica and my mom sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee "Hey guys!" They both looked at me with a smile like they knew something I didn't. "Hi Nora" they both said at the same time. I gave them a look but before I could say anything Ace grabbed my waist pulling me into a hug "you have to stop doing that. One day I'm going to think you're a creep and accidentally hurt you" he laughed and laid his head on my shoulder "you know that it's me. You know my touch, remember last time?" He said as he winked at me, and I remembered what happened at the game when that guy grabbed me then at Ale house when I knew it was Ace. "Come on princess, your carriage awaits" Ace bowed and escorted me to his truck. Once we got in, he leaned onto my side, and I thought he was going to kiss me, but then he placed a blindfold on me "Ace, what are you doing? People are going to think you kidnapped me" He chuckled and said something under his breath, but I couldn't hear what he said, "I don't want you to see where we are going." "Fine" I said, rolling my eyes "don't roll your eyes at me princess" I turned my head towards him, and he laughed "you can't even see my eyes, how do you know?" "Because I know you princess." It felt like we were driving for hours but it was only a few minutes before I fell asleep. Ace woke me up when we got there and led me through what felt like grass. When we stopped, he took off my blindfold and standing Infront of us were two beautiful horses. "Ace, oh my gosh hi! What's your name handsome?" Ace looked at me with his arms crossed "wow you call him handsome but all you call me is either jerk, Acey, or Ace. His name is rodeo and the other one's name is daze." I laughed at Ace's words and hugged him "they are ours" I looked at him with the biggest smile on my face "There ours!" I jumped up and down and went towards Rodeo and hugged him. Rodeo hugged me back with his head and both Ace and Rodeo were eyeing each other. Ace walked up to me and placed me onto Rodeo, and he hopped onto Daze. Ever since we were little, I told Ace I wanted a horse named Rodeo and he looked exactly like how I imagined. We started riding on a trail and we approached a willow tree with a picnic set up underneath it. Ace got off Daze and went to take me off, but I hopped down myself "did you forget that we both had lessons not just you?" I said as I tied Rodeo onto a branch as he ate the grass. Ace laughed and reached out to grab my hand. When we sat down on the blanket, we talked to each other and just spent time together. Ace was laying on my lap while I played with his hair. When I went to grab a strawberry Ace grabbed two canvases, paint, tape and a marker. I grabbed both of his hands and painted them, then stamped them onto the canvases, then he painted mine and stamped them on top of his. As I was cleaning my hands off with a wipe Ace wrote "Ace + Nora" and the date. I loved the way it looked so much, I was excited to hang it up next to all the pictures of Ace I have and the ones his mom sent me. I went to check up on Rodeo and Daze and they were still just walking around eating grass. When I walked back the sun was setting so it was almost time to head home, and I remembered that I got Ace a chain with a key that opens my bracelet that has a heart. When I got back to the blanket I turned around and saw Ace on one knee.

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