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Ever since I was born Ace and I have been inseparable. Both our moms worked together at an agency that requires them to travel a lot. They were best friends. Ace and I were born 1 month apart, and both of our dads are out of the picture. We did everything together, we all helped each other. When my mom had to go on trips for her job Ace's mom Jessica took care of me and when Ace's mom left for work my mom took care of him. It was very rare for both of them to be gone, but when it came to that we had a nanny take care of both of us. We were together almost all the time. We lived right next door to each other, and our windows were right across from each other. The only thing that was in between us was a tree that Ace always climbed to get to my room. "Acey?" "Yes princess?" "Will we be friends forever?" "Of course, princess!" "Pinky swear." "Pinky swear." He kept his pinky swear until we reached high school. We had all our classes together so you would think it would be hard to stop talking to each other, but Ace joined the football team and started working out more causing him to get more attention from girls. He became popular and stopped talking to me little by little until he just completely ignored me. The only time we would actually talk was when our moms hung out together and we barely even spoke, we just said hi then Ace would go onto his phone. We never told our moms that we weren't friends anymore because it would break their hearts. They just thought that it was just in their words "teenagers being teenagers." I missed the friendship that I had with Ace, but he was a completely different person now. The only thing that was the same was his green, emerald eyes, curly dark brown hair and the fact that he's taller than me. I don't even see his smile anymore, and It kind of hurts to remember all the good times we had together.

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