Chapter 15: Adventures in Stone!

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Y/N saw what the villagers were doing for Senkus birthday

After what he did for Christmas this needs to be good

They all put in the work and they built a full observatory along with the telescope they originally planned

Y/N also had a side project which she told no one about, she was building a small wooden house (similar to Senkus original science house though she didn't know that)

She was building it to give her and Senku some privacy because living out of the main hub for the kingdom of science is a crowded life indeed

Y/N though a little privacy would go a long way in their relationship so of course she'd put in some extra work, Senku was so thoughtful in her proposal it was the least she could do!

Little did she know that while she was working on the above ground projects Senku was working on a project of his own, tinkering whenever he got the chance

Chrome walked behind Senku before looking in his hand, "Senku, what's that thing?"

He shoved it in his pocket, "None of your business, just a person invention for personal use..."

"It's something totally pervy isn't it?"

"No... Shut up-"


"Shut the hell up chrome! You could cause a cave in..."

"That's not if you cave in first-"

"My wife- GIRLFRIEND, my girlfriend will kill you"

"What is it, cmon you can tell me~" he smirked

"Whatever, it's just a contraceptive... Pregnancy prevention... A thing before your time..."

"Wow cool, how does it work?"

"You put it on your, uhm... Shut the fuck up"

"Ok wow rude, I'm just showing an interest in science"

The wonders of science...

"Once we get back up I'm gonna have to test it... God I'm so tired... I've been working on this for three days, and with all the mining..."

Senku and company finished up their cave adventure, once they went topside he was met with a blindfold covering his eyes

They took him to the science shed, "I see, you guys finally realized that giving me up is the easiest and most logical way to keep your village safe... I understand"

Y/N took the blindfold off of him, "Not even close dummy" she gave him a peck on the cheek

His eyes lit up with joy seeing the telescope, "A telescope? And an entire observatory..."

"Everyone in the village helped my love... Everyone worked really hard to make this for you..."

Gen snickered, "Y/N you barely did anything!"

"Gen shut the fuck up that's because I was-" She got flustered and pouted

"You made me something too didn't you Y/N? That's why you were busy" Senku chuckled

"You know me way too well love..."

Gen asked, "Do we get to see?"

"I mean, you can but as soon as you see it I'm gonna need you to leave the surprise area if that's ok..."

"My angel, you're bright red, are you ok?"

"Yup just cold"

I'm so excited for him to see...

What do you mean I'm stupid?!? (Senku x reader) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن