Chapter 93 - 94

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"Your Highness, your shoulder injury isn't healed yet." Mu Xi Yao pushed away Zhong Zheng Lin's paws. Once this man took a bath, he was immediately full of energy.

"Just small injuries. Not worth mentioning." As soon as the sixth Highness carried the person in his arms, he walked toward the bed's direction. How can he be not aroused after being rubbed by her soft body for such a long time?

Mu Xi Yao glared at him, "Your Highness, when the wound ruptures, the one hurting later will be you."

"No need for later. Bendian hurts now." He pulled at her little hand and led it downwards.

Mu Xi Yao's cheeks flushed. She was so angry she bit him anxiously. They have to attend a family banquet. This lustful beast!

Zhao momo and the lot were so anxious they kept making discreet inquiries behind the door. Principal consort has already left with people. Her Ladyship consort Shu's sedan chair has also arrived for a while. How come the two masters decided to dawdle at this time? What's more, they were prohibited to disturb them. They were worried sick.

Tian Fu Shan held up his Highness's imperial prince's ceremonial robe, jumping about nervously. If his Highness doesn't come out soon, he will fall behind the eight prince. This was unacceptable.

Just as the group of people were staring at each other, they heard cefei's clear and bright voice sound from inside, "Come in." Everyone felt a sense of relief. They quickly attended to them by changing their clothes and freshening them up.

Zhong Zheng Lin was attired in a black four-clawed dragon robe couched in gold-wrapped threads. The sight of him made Mu Xi Yao click her tongue in appraisal. When this man wore formal robe he was drop-dead gorgeous. Unfortunately, the sixth Highness wasn't fond of divine-like ethereal white robes. Mu Xi Yao was quite curious as to whether a white robe would turn someone who is used to be cold and solemn a bit softer and easier to approach.

"Stay by mother consort's side. Don't make trouble." Zhong Zheng Lin saw her off at the doors to consort Shu's palace and then left with his people.


"Your Ladyship, qie brought Cheng Qing to pay you respect." Since one came late, one needed to sacrifice its trump card. Cheng Qing the bun has been sold off by his mother without the slightest hesitation.

"Heed your steps. Slow down a bit your pace!" When consort Shu saw her not allowing people to support her in her condition, walking forward while turning back and ordering people to carry over Cheng Qing, consort Shu was so scared by her actions, she quickly send people over to guard her. The one is Mu girl's womb was already seventh months old. No unfortunate occurrence must happen.

"Babma." The little bun, Cheng Qing, was very smart. Recognizing people was his specialty. When consort Shu heard him call her, her expression immediately softened. Her face beamed with smiles. This child was very talented. He wasn't even one year old and already knew to call people. His Majesty had also praised him on several occasions.

"Bengong's grandson grew up well and was raised even better!" Consort Shu held Cheng Qing and couldn't stop praising him.

"Your Ladyship, don't spoil him. He can only call dad clearly. With other people, his words are still mispronounced. Moreover, he calls out to people blindly." Mu Xi Yao was summoned by consort Shu to sit down next to her. She asked her about how was recently doing the one in her womb.

The women from the fourth prince's residence were long accustomed to Mu Xi Yao being favored by consort Shu. No matter what were their inner thoughts, on the surface, they were all full of smiles.

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