"Not everyone can go play hero with a billionaire," Aaron entered his car.

She opened his trunk, "What you got in here?" She said, looking through his bags.

"Ice cream and groceries, why?"

"Shithead tax." She replied, grabbing a tub of chocolate flavored ice cream.

Aaron clicked his tongue, "You still haven't changed."

"Apparently you have, or maybe you were always like that and I just never knew."

He tried to explain himself but Destiny took her hearing aids out.

When he got out of his car to reach out to her she turned into smoke and dashed through a vent, ending up on the roof of the building.

I don't have time for his bullshit today.


Destiny saw Peter crawling on the window of the ferry, what is he doing here?

She saw the men she was railing head outside so she followed them, adjusting her hood to cover her face.

She headed to the front of the ship, just above the front deck. There were four men gathered there.

She recognized two of them, one of them was the driver from the previous night, the other was 'Mac Gargan' the man that was in her uncle's office a few years back.

"White pickup truck."

Gargan nodded to a slim man who walked away.

Focused on the dealings below, Destiny might have been imagining things, but she could have sworn that she heard Tony's voice coming from above her.

The deal wasn't anything special yet.

"I'll take those!" A web snatched a key chain from out of the air, "Yoink!"


Peter leapt onto the deck, "Hey, guys. The illegal-weapons-deal-ferry was at 10:30. You missed it." He quipped, Destiny shook her head, "Ainno way Tony knows he's here." She muttered, texting the man in question. Peter disarmed two goons with some split web before kicking hand subsequently slamming Gargan. Peter ducked from the driver from a few day's ago's gauntlet, which got caught in a gate as a result.

Two thugs got up behind Peter, "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Not so fast." Who yanked them both into a corner at the same time. "Are you guys okay? My bad. That was a little hard." Peter asked.

He eyed Henchman One, who was still struggling to free himself from the gate. "I gotta say the other guy was way better with that thing."

"I'm honestly, I'm, I'm shocked." Peter said reloading his web-shooters. He then shot out something into the inside of the ship, with a scream being followed shortly after.

Suddenly, agents came out of nowhere and aimed at Peter.

"Freeze! FBI!"

"Don't move."

"Get on the ground."


Producer Man; W. Maximoff ² √Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora