Y/N: "How sweet. They've all come to see me."

Soon, he noticed a man with chainsaw approaching the cabin.

Y/N: "Chainsaw, huh? It keeps getting better and better."

Moments later, he heard the glass on the second floor breaking as a ladder was placed.

Y/N: "You know what, you can't have a party without music."

As the ganado behind him was about to throw his weapon at Y/N. He turned around and pointed his pistol at him.

Y/N: "You. Play some music."

Y/N pointed to the radio next to him. Ganado looked at the radio then back to him. Y/N nodded his head twice.

Surprisingly, he complied and turned on the radio.

Resident Evil 4: The Drive - First Contact Plays

He turned back to Y/N as he raised his axe.

Ganado: "Muerete! [Die!]"

*Bang* *Bang* Bang*

Y/N shot him a few times until he died.

Y/N: "No, that's not what I had in mind."

Music Stops

He turned off the radio then got something out from his pocket.

Y/N: "Let's try this instead."

He pulled out his phone and selected a song. He turned on the volume then put his phone away.

Metal Gear Rising: Rules of Nature Plays

Y/N: "This is more like it."

Y/N heard the door breaking. He turned and saw the man with chainsaw cutting the door down.

Y/N: "Better get ready. The guests are getting impatient." 

He ran upstairs and saw a shotgun hanging on the wall.

Y/N: "Perfect."

He took it and saw it was fully loaded. Y/N saw a ganado reaching up to the window.

Y/N: "Oh no, you don't!"

He ran to the window at super speed then pushed the ladder.

Ganado: "Ahhhh!"

Y/N: "Take the front door next time!"

He noticed some shotgun ammo on the bed and picked it up.

Y/N: "Sweet."

Moments later, he heard the door break down as the chainsaw ganado entered in. Y/N jumped through the next window and was on the rooftops to the next cabin. He saw groups of ganados climbing up the ladders and approach Y/N.

Ganado: "Te voy a hacer picadillo! [I'm going to make mincemeat out of you!]"

Y/N blown his head off with the shotgun.

Y/N: "Step right up! Step right up! Get your very own free shotgun blast in the face! It's a one in a lifetime deal!"

He shot each ganado that was coming close to him with the shotgun. As soon as he ran out of shells, Y/N jumped down and landed in the center of the village.

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