Chapter 1

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In a hidden base, someone was accessing the computer that was on the chair. The world map was shown on the screen as he was using the satellite for surveillance. He zoomed close enough until he had visual of the village.  

In the village, a woman in a red outfit was infiltrating around the village, staying out of sight. The villagers around were going on their daily lives. However, she looked at the center then saw a police man tied to a stake and being burned alive.

Moments later, she got a call and decided to answer it. It was the man that hired her for this mission, Albert Wesker.

Wesker: "So I see you managed to arrive to the village on time

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Wesker: "So I see you managed to arrive to the village on time."

Ada: "Yes, but nobody remembered to roll out my red carpet."

Wesker: "The villagers are all being controlled. They automatically attack any intruders on sight. Start with ringing the church bell. That will quiet them down for awhile." 

Ada: "Sounds like they're good obedient boys and girls."

Wesker: "Just to remind you, time is not a luxury we have. Gather as much information you can about Las Plagas and obtain the Amber."

Ada: "Understood."

As she puts her radio away, Ada heard gunshots. She looked back to the center and saw someone she recognized attacking the villagers.

Ganado 1: "Un forastero! [An outsider!]"

Ganado 2: "Agarradlo! [Get him!]"

Y/N: "Could anyone guide this fine tourist to the popular sights here?"

He fired his pistol and killed another ganado.

Ganado 3: "Matalo! [Kill him]"

Ganado 4: "Te voy a romper en padazos! [I'm going to tear you to pieces!]"

Ada: "Y/N?"

She was surprised that he was here. And why was he wearing that ridiculous outfit?

The last time she saw him was back in Raccoon City. He had disappeared after he escaped. She wondered why he was here. There was the distinct possibly that he's here for the president's daughter.

She could get answers out of him but she had to focus getting to the church bell. Hopefully, Y/N can survive until then.

Back to Y/N

Y/N ran into the cabin by the tower and closed the door. He set the bar on the door to block it.

Y/N: "They sure know how to throw a hell of a welcoming party."

Ganado 1: "Forastero! [Outsider!]"

Ganado 2: "Id pro detras! [Go round the back!]"

Y/N looked outside the window and saw them surrounding the house. Unaware, there was one ganado behind him, slowly reaching for a weapon.

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