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Idk bro.. uhh This chapter is something.., ion think there's any ship focused, but yea!! this chp includes like 9 character's pov or less.
  In this chapter, there's two mysterious time travelers who accidentally bumped into Tsukasa.

Tsukasa's pov:

    It's been 3 days, the sea dragon is still on the loose., It's seems like the world is ending. (it's not) and.. i see a very weird looking woman and a man figure.. who's holding all these weird stuffs. They weren't even panicking or scared.. they were just arguing?.. i decided to listen their secretly so i hid behind a wall and listened what they were arguing about

"WHAT DID U DO?"- a female voice
"I didn't do anything.?" - ???
"Of course u did something!" -???
"Well it's YOUR fault for being so curious and snooping through things!" -?? male voice.
"W-Well! that's-" -female voice
"Azris." - male voice
"Ugh.. fine it's my fault.." -Azris.

soon they kept on arguing.

i just left them alone and continued to look around for any bad things since the barrier is starting to break. The snow kingdom's barrier is still somehow standing. Well, mostly bc they have a good management thing?. uh.. they're making their way to become the 1st place(?) while ours is slowly becoming the 2nd place.. *sigh*

Honami's pov:
The dream, what a coincidence. the only way to stop it, is.. Rui kissing his soulmate (?). well the rose kingdom's barrier is gonna break in a few days while ours could last for 5 yrs.. it seems like this is gonna end soon anyways.

Minori's pov:
I'm roaming around the forest and trying to find mushrooms to sell then suddenly a wolf with red fur which looks like it's covered in blood jumped right in front of me. it started walking towards me and tried to attack me then suddenly a knight with light-blue-ish hair jumped in front of me with her sword, and countered the attack. the wolf backed off for a moment and started attacking us again. then someone casted a water spell on the wolf. i looked back and saw the ocean princess, Kiritani Haruka!. she was walking towards the wolf and put her hands on it's head. she mumbled something and the blood and other scars on the wolf disappeared. it was an innocent fox which got turned into a dangerous wolf by the dark curse..

Shizuku's pov:
The princess came in front of us and used her magic. i tried to stop her because her curse is.. if she uses her magic , it's gonna shorten her life span.
"Your highness, why did you use your magic.. your mother will scold you if she finds out!" said the knight. the princess replied "it's okay, i just .. lost control sorry." she looked at the brown haired girl and said "minori! are you okay?" the brown haired girl slowly got up and replied "y-yes!"

blah blah blah.

Shiho's pov: (few days ago)
Me, saki and ichika was preforming on the stage until there was an explosion. i looked around and saw there's another forest fire. we didn't really mind so we continued to preform until there's sound there was a sea dragon rising up from the sea. i looked at ichika and saki and gave them 'should we stop?' look. they were unsure but we stopped and our fans looks confused. "We're sorry everyone, but we have to really stop here now there's disasters going on." luckily our fans understand and we stopped.

Saki's pov: (FEW DAYS AGO)
I was kinda sad that we had to stop but since there was a disaster going on i said goodbye to shiho and ichi. and i rushed back to my kingdom but on the way there was a wolf that was about to attack me but i luckily dodged. and continued to make my way. there was a tree falling . But i made my run for it. Soon i arrived at the kingdom a-bit bruised.

Ichika's pov: (FEw DAYS AGOO)
both of them left so i also left. Well honestly it's understandable since there's suddenly a sea dragon rising and on the loose. whatever. I left and went into my house. (Idk shits i'm sorry😞 )

Where am i? .?
why is everything covered in blood. tsukasa? Nene?!
Why is every castle destroyed?.
What's going on. Toya?.

Tsukasa's pov:
I heard Rui's still in a coma, I'm worried. i should go see him. but what if the guards won't let me?. whatever. i'll try tomorrow.. maybe blend in with the knights.. i remember their armor(?) are uh.. gray,black, crimson red.. , And uh.. a bit white.. well i don't know..

Besides that 2 mysterious people is right near the bakery. And well they stopped arguing at just continued doing their business, Until, They approached me "Hey! That blonde knight! um, do you know where we can get out of this kingdom ?" I answered "Get permission from the queen." They just stared at me.. "WELL THEN WHERE'S THE QUEEN??" I just ignored and walked away to go find Akito. i believe Mizuki and Akito is back.

   Soon, i found them. they were grabbing drinks. When i entered the tavern they looked at me and gave me a signal to come sit with them, and of course i went to sit with them. "Hey Tsu!" said mizuki, "Guys did u guys see the weird twins, with strange mechanics?" I asked, Akito answered"Yea, strange isn't it?" "Mhm! also! Tsu! Prince Kamishiro left this love letter for you before he fell in a coma!" Mizuki told me that and gave me the letter, i opened it .

The letter:
  (i hate writing them)

The letter:  (i hate writing them)

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... .........
Rui likes me?.. i don't know how to feel, i looked at mizuki who was having a conversation with Akito. i just interrupted and said"i have to get going." i took the letter with me and went outside as soon as i was outside i didn't care anymore. i just ran to the river that Rui took me to. suddenly i heated a voice saying "something troubling you?" it seems familiar. it was Azris, i turned around. "well, I don't know.." Azris came forward and tried to comfort me "why are you here?" i asked. "I needed fresh air, i just ran away from my twin brother, Alei" - Azris. "I see, why tho?" she didn't seem like she didn't want to answer.. "it's fine if you don't want to answer."

Suddenly there was an earthquake.

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