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Card edit crd - qivviiii on twt.
Ship focused - Anhane(?) and Honakana

??? pov:
i finaly learned the spell about how to clone your rivals.. heh. just you wait rui kamishiro. i'll take over your life soon. just wait. i'll do everything that you did it me.

An's pov:
I was strolling through the sunflower field until i saw this Beautiful girl who was in a yellow Sunflower pattern dress, Her hair was in pigtails. she was cute and .. her voice. she was humming.

?:♪♪♪ ~~

Until the girl stopped and said "Oh my! I'm sorry Princess did i disturb you?! i'm sorry!!" I told her there's no need to apologize. She kept on insisting until she gave in.. We chatted a little bit until one of my guards told me my dad needed me. I said goodbye to the beautiful Girl and left

My father looked serious. "Shiraishi, I know you got the family curse." he said. I replied "w-what? y-yeah but—!"

An's father: No buts, i know about the curse. you have to marry a prince.

An: But dad! i'm only 17!

An's father: do u think we have time for this? No.

An: ..Which prince.?

An's father: Hirai Akira.

An: No! he's so disgusting!

An's father: otherwise you'll never break you curse..

An: ..When.

An's father: How does next month sound?


An's father: you have no choice my darling.

An: ..May i go.

An's father: Yes, yes you may.

I left the room and i can't believe it. out of all prince why Akira?! He's such a pervert! Ugh. I got to my room. and just sat on the bed thinking about how everything's gonna ruin my life.

Tsukasa's pov:
Rui asked the princess? no way. i mean there's no way she's gonna let me go off duty, i mean i got 2 days off duty. but if she even does.. i don't think i would want it..

Rui's pov:
Shiraishi-san said that Charming knight could have 1 more day off~ fufu!.. now i have to locate where he is..

   Few moments later, i located where he was and teleported to him. He turned around and asked "what do you.. need?" i replied "Well! Shiraishi-san said you could get one more day off!~ now i don't think i've got your name yet.. what is it?" He sighed and said "Tsukasa Tenma." i smiled at him he just looked me with a straight face. "What..?" I said "n-nothing.." he replied.

I carried him again, he tried to escape. "HEY! P-PUT ME DOWN." he commanded. "i don't think i can do that~" i chuckled and we teleported to a beautiful river.

An's pov:
I'll ask akito to bring me back to the sunflower field.

few moments later I asked Akito to bring me back to the flower field and he just followed my order.. when we arrived the girl. was gone.. I looked sad and Akito asked "princess, are you okay?" I just nodded and turned around. he knew i wasn't ok and helped to looked for the girl.

37 Minutes passed by and we found her. she was just buying groceries. i walked up to her and she saw me. "Hey! i saw you earlier in the sunflower field. i didn't catch you name." said I. She replied "o-oh princess! well my name is kohane Azusawa!" i offered her to pay for her groceries and she denied it. "really. it's fine princess.." i replied:" oh please. this is my way of saying uhm.. thank you?" she looked confused but brushed it off.

   I just smiled awkwardly. she went away . "Damn it." i said to myself. i tried to call her but she didn't hear me. so i just went to look for Akito.

Akito's pov:
   As i waited for the princess to reunite with her 'GiRLfRiEnd' i saw a familiar figure. it was none other than princess toya..  he was looking at me and waving at me , i looked around to make sure nobody's looking at me, then i waved back. he teleported next to me. "Hey, uhm, i never got the letter from u. so is that a No?" I realized i forgot about that. i replied i've never sent him the letter.. i just said "O-oh.. i forgot about that sorry.." he just said it was ok and wanna meet up at night. ofc i declined because i have to guard the princess ,unless it's about my family. he looked a bit sad but just said ok. and left. and i heard a voice from the left "Akito!! i'm back." i turned to the left and saw the princess running towards me. i got on the horse and so did she. while on the way back to the castle i asked her about her silly 'girlfriend' she just brushed it off.

2 hours later we arrived at the castle and princess An sneaked back into her room and the letter for Prince toya.. i'll do it tonight.

Hey guys.. it's Ruikasa!!!...!!!.

Tsukasa's pov:
    when we arrived at the beautiful ocean i looked at rui. he looked calm and peaceful. He turned to me and said "So, uhm. I was wondering.. do u ever get sent to my kingdom for such things as a .. Task?" i replied "Yes, Yes! i do. i don't really see u there tho?" he replied "well.. i was probably practicing spells.." i just stared at him "i thought you already know every magic spells?" he replied "Well. even a prince like me don't know every spell! there's this one hard spell i have to perfect it. but no matter how hard i try there's nothing" he chuckled, I said "well im suprised.. even a prince doesn't know every spells but what about the queen?" he replied "Hmm.. i'm sure she perfect-ed every spells!" i decided to ask "so are you the heir to the throne?" he answered "yes, yes i'm the heir to the throne." soon i think i asked too much questions that he decided to brush it off.

hmph. what's this feeling in my chest.. it feels warm.. well whatever.

Ok enough it's time for one of my favorite 'rare pair'!! HONAKANA

   Honami's pov:
     As i was clearing Yoisaki-san's room she hugged me from behind and gave me a gift. i asked "what's this?" She giggled and replied "it's a gift silly.." "A-Oh! thank you!" she giggled again and said no problem she kissed me on the cheeks until a guard came in and said the queen was calling her. so she just went with the guards so i continued cleaning her room.

After a while she came back in and looked a bit more happy. i asked her what's going on?. she just said it's nothing so i, again, continued cleaning.
few moments later i finished cleaning and decided to sit down while Yoisaki-san is just staring at the window day dreaming about something.. i just brushed it off and said "Kana-san do u want anything i'll be heading down now!" she turned around and grabbed my wrist and said "N-no! please stay!" i probably looked shocked but i agreed and stayed with her for a while. soon she fell asleep. i just laid her down on her bed and left.

Few hours later i came back into her room and just placed the foods on her so called 'desk'. i hope i didn't accidentally disturbed her dreams, i kissed her on her forehead and left. again. and went back to my room, i finally got to say down after a whole day of taking care of everything. i decided to write down in my diary.. after a while i got sleepy.. and closed my eyes.

(This is in her dream.)
I was in a flower field then i saw a familiar figure. it was Rui! m-my cousin! I shouted his name but no response, instead he looked at me and smiled. i asked him "R-rui?. what are you doing here?.!" He ignored me suddenly he turned into a different person. i said: "w-wait.. y-your not Rui!." The 'Rui' laughed at me and said "Mhm! I'm not Rui. i'm gonna take over his life and Ruin it!" He laughed.. Walking towards me. i was scared.

     Suddenly i woke up. it was strange. But i ignored it. i decided to check on Yoisaki-san.. She was still asleep so i let her sleep peacefully again. The dream was strange. i simply brushed it off thinking it was nothing.

Kohane's pov:
Why would a princess ask me to 'hang out' with her exactly.. she even offered to pay for my groceries. i've never seen her outside before? but alright. i guess she was just trying to be nice. i appreciate it but i don't think it felt right at all.!

{1521} words
thank you for reading!

End of chp 4
I'm sorry for taking 20 days to make this chp lmao i couldn't think of anything at all, plus i was also running out of idea..

The prince and the knight {Ruikasa}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora