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"Good morning, Dad!" I greeted my Dad immediately when I got down upstairs.

He smiled. "Good morning too, son!" He greeted me back. "You ready?" He asked.

"Well, sort of..." I said and sighed.

There's still part of me that nervous for what will happen later.

Well, I'm just going to replace the position my Dad as the CEO of his own company that he build for almost 30 years...

D-mn, imagine that, he build it for almost three decades by himself. But what if...

What if I failed him?

"You can do it, son! I trust you..." He said and tapped my shoulder. "I gotta go... you won't come with me?"

"Nah, I'll visit Grandma first and also... Mom." I said slowly.

He smiled. Though, it didn't reach his eyes. "Okay, just buy them a flowers for me when you get there..." He just said and bid a good bye before he left.


When I get back to the place where my Grandma and Mom. I immediately removed those died leaves that was covering their griefs.

"I miss you both..." I whispered and a tear escaped from my eyes.

I miss them... so much.

The Quadruplets Father [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now