The call up

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So there I sat in my room avoiding all social contact staring at the wall like it was the most interesting thing that I had ever seen. I started to notice a slight pattern in the bumps, this was when I realised I needed to stop so I tried do everything to distract myself. When I say everything I mean like two things before my mind wandered back.

One was to try and catch up on some of my coursework for my BTEC. As even with my protests apparently I still had to complete some form of education, which is probably a smart idea but school was never my strong point I mean I did all my school online from 15 as I was in a different country. Then I had to sit my GCSE's which was an ordeal in itself after barely passing the mandatory ones I thought I was done but no at least it was a BTEC in sports so something I was vaguely interested in. Well as you can probably guess that didn't last long I would day about 5 minutes in I got stuck then just gave up that can be sorted another time. The second method if distraction was the go to kicking a ball up and down about 300 times, this one lasted a little bit longer until I got text and my phone beeped, I would say about 10 minutes all together.

Of course the text wasn't important it was just one of my teammates Jill Roord asking if i wanted to do something as she was bored. She got bored very often, having the attention span of a small child although I can't say I was much better which was why I was normally her go to, to do things as we both got bored very quickly. So I could keep up with her need to change activity very often which would drive other people crazy. This inevitably drew me back to my phone the one thing I had been trying to avoid, I wondered what order they would call in would it be alphabetical, because if so I would be near the top of the list. or would it be done on how important you were in the team, I had no idea but it was just stressing me out more.

Then it happened, my phone started buzzing with an unknown number. For what felt like an hour but in reality was probably only a few seconds I just stared at it seemingly forgetting how to work it. Then i returned back to the real world and again started getting nervous and wondering what to so, as if there was more than one logical answer. Obviously I should answer it but my brain was telling me the exact opposite, to run and hide. But I couldn't this was my one shot at the big time. So I ignored every part of my body and picked up the phone.

Sarina Wiegman: ''Hello, Is this Ellis Griffin''

Ellis: ''Uhm, uh ye-yeah yes it is''

Sarina: '' Hi I was just calling to ask if you would like to be part of our 28 player provisional squad for the upcoming Euros tournament''

Ellis: '' That would be incredible I don't know what to say, thank you for this opportunity''

Sarina: '' You are very welcome, I have been watching you for a while and your talent at your age is incredible I would be silly not to call you up. I know this can be a very daunting experience especially when you are new to it all so if you need to talk about anything just know that my door will always be open. But I am sure you will be amazing''

Ellis: ''Again thank you so much, I promise I wont let you down I cant wait''

Sarina: ''Brilliant we will email you some more details in the next few days and due to your location we will give you your kit upon arrival have a great evening''

Ellis: '' You too Bye''

Sarina: ''Bye''

I couldn't quite believe it I was going to the Euros. I was going to the EUROS. This was the stuff of dreams I would get to pay football with the lionesses, wait scrap that i would be a lioness. my mind was off running at a million miles an hour of pure joy and excitement. Then the other thoughts started to creep into my mind the 'I'm not good enough', 'Other people deserved it more' kind of thoughts the ones that all to often found their way into my head. It made me doubt everything I knew everything that only seconds ago I had been screaming and jumping about. Why did this happen , why did everything happy have to be surrounded by a fog of so many other things, it happened every time it was just something I couldn't control m head would just automatically take me there. Like a never ending train ride that you really don't want to be on.

The thoughts persisted until it got late and I eventually just fell asleep surrounded by the constant doubt that filled my head. I woke up the next morning exhausted realising the time I got to bed I wasn't surprised. Oh well it wasn't like I hadn't gone of around 3 hours of sleep before. I packed my bags and headed of to training getting excited to tell the girls my news. That was one positive thing the team, I loved being surrounded by the girls everyday, they would always make me smile and I wouldn't change that for the world.

Of course the first person that came bounding up with a huge smile on their face was Jill despite the age difference she was my best friend, she always knew how to make me smile. it was her secret talent forever the live if the party. I loved her for that and wouldn't change it for the world. I told he I had some exciting new, she then became very impatient and would not stop poking me every 5 seconds to tell her. I decided to be annoying and wait just a little bit, you have to prepare the audience and make sure they are truly ready for the news. Then she started guessing, they got progressively worse starting simply from 'you got new shoes' (Jill loves shoes, always going on about a new pair she has or wants to buy), or 'you got a tattoo' which being 17 probably wasn't going to be the right guess. But I let her guess away as it was quite entertaining to see what she came up with then she started with the weird ones 'you have an alien i your wardrobe', 'your clothes vanished in the middle of the night', when she started to get desperate I decided I would put her out of her misery and tell her.

I crouched down next to her on the beanbag and whispered in her ear.

Ellis: ''I got called up to the lionesses''

I dont think I have ever seen anyone jump up and scream so quickly , she got a few strange looks from the rest of the team. Where I couldn't help but smile, she was so happy for me. to know I had people that cared so much brought a smile to my face, I never really had a family but these girls have quickly become that for me. people that I can trust, confide in and share positive happy memories and I wouldn't trade that for the world. Even if sometimes they did get a little bit crazy, I mean not saying that I wouldn't join in but still they were nuts.

Jill then decided she had kept it to herself for long enough, which was for about 30 seconds of her jumping up and down on her own . As people were starting to get curious saying 'what', 'JILL WHAT', 'you have to tell us'. So with a quick look at me to which I nodded to but also shaking my head at the same time laughing at her. She screamed ''the little one got called up''. Just for reference I was called the little one as I stood at a grand 5'3 and was very small and young so it was a nickname that unfortunately stuck. Immediately everyone repeated Jill's action and started jumping up and down screaming. Then obviously the next step was for everyone to pile on me in what I assume was meant to be some sort of group hug.

When I finally escaped the supposed group hug, people started asking a lot of questions which i was more than happy to answer the immense pride I was feeling clearly radiating of me. As I dont think there was one person in the room that wasn't smiling.

After the what felt like an hour of questions it was time to get back to training. Knowing that in a few days I would be at the place of dreams St George's park meeting my idols.
Thanks for reading I will update every sunday, if you have any suggestions please comment and if you enjoy please vote :)

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