Start from the beginning

" well I guess I'll join him" Kaeya felt a sudden chill down his spine, it being a message that was telling him to go away

You watch as Kaeya leaves, leaving you and Childe alone, although you weren't prepared for him after the night you spent together

" what was that about" you looked up to Childe as he paid attention to your question

" what do you mean?" Childe laughed a little, looking away from you

" I mean you should of went with Kaeya...did you really miss me?" You had to make a joke in that instance

Childe paused. He paused for quite a few seconds before responding to you, his eyes on yours

" I did" Childe gave a reaction that you weren't expecting, walking away from you

You were appalled at the response, maybe you miss heard things? You weren't sure but followed the man as night started to fall

N E X T  D A Y

" want to grab a drink? I remember you wanted one before" Lumine sat next to you on set

You were a bit shocked when she remembered your small remark

" well if I did go and disappear on Yae Miko's watch, I would never hear the end of it" you let out a obvious sigh, slumping in your chair

" oh." Lumine looked down in dismay, hoping to get a meal

" don't worry, I'll be fine" you pat her shoulder, realising her change in mood immediately

" well after this you and me are eating a feast" Lumine expressed as you nodded, completely accepting the order

Lumine gave a grin, before looking behind you and giving a weird look

" [y/n]." You heard someone call your name

Thinking who would ruin the moment, you turn around, looking up and met eyes with a drink

" for you" you heard along with a thud of a bottle colliding with the table

" what's this Childe?" You almost laugh at the gesture, it was your favourite drink after all

" I heard you were thirsty" Childe gave a cheeky smile as you shared a chuckle

" I also need to talk with you" Childe rubbed his neck as you looked around

" now? I have to go soon" you point at the set in process as Childe shakes his head

" it will only take a minute" he pressured. In truth these past days felt awkward every time you were with him. And it didn't help you felt uncomfortable every-time you were with him, your heart racing whenever you were with him

" but Lumine" you state, looking back at the girl that smiled seemingly

" I'll be fine" Lumine answered calmly as you gave her a pout, reluctantly following the man

You stood up and isolated yourself from the world with Childe as Lumine gave a glare that was blind to the eye

" make this quick" you wrap up, hands on your hip impatiently

" well..wow I can't" Childe shielded his eyes from you after staring too deep into it

" oh come on! you insisted I follow you, what is it?" You pestered as Childe laughed, peeking at you

" well why don't we hang out" Childe proposed, taking the opportunity before it was too late after taking advice from Zhongli, making you shocked to say the least

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