Aquagirl: “what's happened to you please let us help you” 

She was about to touch his chest only for the creature to best its eye out of the suit. startling everybody in the room causing them to back away from him. Flash was about to run at him only to be encased in a green ora and pulled towards superman once she was close superman grabbed her holding her as she struggled to get out of his grip. The rest of the group was about to run at him only for a green laser to stop them in their place. The group looks to where the laser came from, seeing green lantern floating towards them with a star-like creature attached to his face along with  hundreds if not thousands of the same star-like creature in a giant green orb. As superman held flash in place green lantern retrieved one of the creatures from the orb and started approaching her


Big Barda charged at Green Lantern only for him to blast her back as he placed the star creature on Flashe's face. Unch like the rest as soon as the creature attached itself to her her body became limp collapsing to the ground as superman let her go

Aquagirl: “flash!?...Flash, are you ok?”

Without saying a word flash gets up and looks towards the remaining members of the group now with the star creature attached to her making the group back up. Green lantern hands her two star creatures as soon as she reserved the star creatures she immediately started running towards them before she could get too close she was intercepted by something causing her to drop the creatures as she was knocked into a wall. As the group saw who had knocked flash into the wall knocking her out a look of pure shock came across their faces as Warhawk stood up.

Aquagirl: “warhawk!?!”

Before the reunion could go any further, Green Lantern created a brick wall and shoved it at them trying to keep them in place. Spotting this Izuku dove out of the way dodging the brick wall. The rest of the group were hit by the wall which pushed them into the wall behind them pinning them in place. Before Izuku could do anything superman speeded behind him grabbing much like he did with flash. Izuku struggled to get free as Green Lantern grabbed another star creature. Izuku struggled harder as Green Lantern came closer Izuku reached into his utility belt grabbing the piece of kryptonite as soon as the green glow of the kryptonite hit superman he became weaker causing him to let go of Izuku.

Big Barda: “is that kryptonite?”

Seeing this Green Lantern pointed his ring at him getting ready to fire it before he could izuku threw a batarang knocking Green Lantern hand away as he fired the blessed was knocked easy from izuku managing to hit a window causing it to shatter exposing everybody to the vacuum of space pulling them all out. Superman was the first to be pulled out due to the kryptonite weakening him. Due to the pressure green lantern couldn't maintain his constructs letting the group and the star creatures. As soon as the orb was gone the star creatures went flying out the window along with a knocked out flash before the airless vacuum of space could affect them Green lantern flies out catching them. The pressure tried to pull the group out of the window as well Warhawk grabbed Aquagirl and Big Barda using a jet boos on his back to fight the sign pressure. Izuku dug his hand talons into the ground as he was being pulled after a couple seconds a metal shield came down stopping the vacuum. As soon as the vacuum was gone Izuku ran to a window seeing a green orb heading towards earth. He headed towards the group

Batman: “are you all alright”

Aquagirl: “im ok”

Big Barda: “fine here”

Warhawk: “same so i think it's pretty evident that the kid was right”

Big Barda: “but that raises the question how did you~?”

Izuku Yagi: the batman beyondWhere stories live. Discover now