💙 Floyd x Reader

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Floyd takes the reader swimming at the beach late at night

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Floyd takes the reader swimming at the beach late at night.
• reader is short, or at least shorter than Floyd

 -• reader is short, or at least shorter than Floyd

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You looked beautiful in the moonlight, he thought.
From your hair, to your eyes, Floyd just loved everything about you. He would have loved to just give you a hug.. except that you were thrashing about in the water. He sighed before swimming over and grabbing your waist to keep you safely afloat. "Y/nnnn! That's not how you swim." He seemed annoyed, but he actually cared. He wouldn't have wanted you to drown.

"Floyd! I told you, I can't swim. I thought you were going to stay with me, but you swam off." The boy simply frowned at you. "I just want to swim around! It's been a while since I went to the beach!" He would've had more fun if he didn't drag someone who couldn't swim off to the beach with him, but of course, Floyd Leech didn't care. "We're going to get in so much trouble for this. Why did you have to take me?" You said, trying to break free from his grasp and get on land.

"It would have been boring alone! And Jade and Azul didn't want to come, something about rules and contracts and-" You interrupted him. "Floyd please take me to the shore right now." You said quickly. "Ugh but we're having fun!" He complained, but he still brought you closer to land.  "Floyd I cut my hand earlier and I just remembered that sharks.." You were actually scared now—but Floyd, of course, thought it was a funny joke.

"Sharks are sooo scary. One time one almost ate Azul!" He laughed. You couldn't tell if he was joking or not, but he certainly wasn't helping matters. "Please!" You cried. "Uh ok." He said, getting on shore. "Are you actually scared of sharks..?" Floyd noticed your tone and that there were a few tears falling from your eyes. "Yes?" You wiped their face off with your hand, which didn't help much since you were just in the water.

"Oh. Well, sharks aren't that bad! Plus, you have me!" He reassured you. "I won't let you get hurt! If a shark got you I might not be able to squeeze you anymore." He frowned. "I guess we could go back now if you're worried. But I had a lot of fun!" His frown quickly turned into a big grin. He noticed you shivering and grabbed his jacket, which he took off before getting in the water, and wrapped it around you. "Heh, it's so big on you." He laughed. "Thank you." You said softly.

"Well, come on!" Floyd jumped up and took your hand to help you up. But he didn't let go. He held your hand all the way back, kind of dragging you along. If he ever noticed you shivering he would put his arm around your shoulder, causing you to blush slightly. "Where are we going..?" You asked, noticing that your dorm was passed. "Octavinelle!" Floyd said in his usual cheerful tone.

"But my dorm- hey!" Floyd pulled you right through the mirror. "I can't make you dry yourself off! Jade said I should always make up for my actions." You had a feeling he only sometimes did that, maybe when it benefited him, but chose not to argue. Maybe it was progress? Floyd pulled you up to his room—which was a mess. "Oh, let me.." He shoved a few things under his bed, kicked some into the corner, and straightened up his bed. "Does that look good?" He asked, though it was more of a rhetorical question.

"I have some extra clothes.." he said while he dug through his drawers. He pulled out a blue hoodie and grey sweatpants. "These will be big, but they are comfy!" He threw them on the bed. "You can get dressed in the bathroom. There's also towels in there." He smiled. You were surprised that he even had clean stuff—you guessed it was the benefits of him having a neat twin brother. "Thank you, I'll be right back."

Floyd was getting impatient waiting for you to get done. He sat on his bed kicking his feet and hummed a song he once heard a sailor sing. Finally you came out from the bathroom, dressed in his clothes that were too big for you. He giggled at the sight. "Hehe, you're so small!" You frowned. "Gee, thanks." You sarcastically remarked. "It's not a bad thing, you're just kind of shrimpy!" He noticed how that might also be taken offensively so he added, "it's cute!" Which made you blush.

"I don't know why you took me here, I have to go back to my dorm to sleep anyway." You said, changing the subject. "Nuh uh." Floyd said as he stopped swinging his feet. "You can sleep right here!" He patted his bed. "Uh no, where would you sleep?" You ask. "I never said I was gonna sleep somewhere else?" Floyd said.

"Oh! Uh, no. No, thank you. I think I need to go back to my dorm. Thanks for-" You made your way to the door but before you could open it two arms wrapped around you. "No leaving yet. Your hair is still wet, which means I still have to make sure you're dried off. And do you really want to be awake until it dries? Didn't think so!" Floyd dragged you over to his bed. He pulled you down onto his bed and hugged you tightly. "This is going to be a long night.." You said, sighing.

"At least you won't get cold!"

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