💚 Malleus x Reader |

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In which Malleus teaches the reader to play stringed instruments, or specifically, the cello.

**a/n: please kindly excuse any stupid thoughts about the cello or stringed instruments for that matter, despite doing a bit of research, I don't know much about them. I only know trombone and euphonium a bit. Anyways, enjoy! <3

 Anyways, enjoy! <3

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"Um... why did you get your cello out?" You ask Malleus. "You said you wanted to learn stringed instruments, did you not? I most often play the violin, so I decided you should learn a lower sounding instrument." He stated, handing you the cello bow. "Alright, I guess I'm doing this."

Your first attempt went horribly. He told you to just try playing the cello without any guidance, and you tried.. "Uh- that sounded horrible. I'm so sorry you had to hear that.." He brushed it off. Considering he had to listen to his bodyguard yell constantly, a butchered attempt at the cello was nothing. "First, hold the bow like this," He adjusted your form and helped you properly hold the cello as well.

"Posture is extremely important when playing an instrument. You must sit a certain way, hold the instrument and bow a certain way, et cetera. Now, try again." It didn't sound much better. Malleus saw your discouraged expression and quickly encouraged  you. "That's okay, it is only your second try. Sebek is much worse." You laughed before trying a third time.

"I will now teach you some notes and eventually you will play a song. Maybe you'll be even better than me someday." You shook your head. "I don't think it's possible for anyone to do that." He chuckled.

"First you will play a C major. Now, strike the strings with the bow right here." You did as he said but it still sounded horrible. "I don't think I did it right.." you muttered. "You didn't. Hold on," Malleus stood behind you and took your arm, guiding the bow across the strings. "Like so. Try again." As you tried again, he remained behind you. You didn't mind though since you were now red.

"Excellent. Next, is D major. We shall do a scale. Right...here." He took your arm and guided the bow to the correct place on the cello. "You have the proper position. Try playing the note without my guidance." And you did so, badly again. "I think I'm having an issues with how I'm striking it."

"Don't worry. Just press the bow lightly against the strings and move it slowly." You tried again. "It was much better. However, you have shifted how you are holding it a bit. Here.." He took your hand in his this time, moving it to properly hold the bow. You coughed. "Are you alright?" Malleus asked, genuinely concerned. "Yes, just, do you mind if I go to the restroom real quick?" You asked and he simply nodded.


"Sorry about that." You apologized after returning from the restroom, still a bit red. "No worries...are you sure you're okay?" Malleus questioned. "You look unwell. I am no expert on humans but I don't believe it is normal for them to be red?" He said, placing a hand on your forehead. "Your face feels hot." He said frowning. "We shall continue our practice tomorrow. You must rest. Do you feel well enough to walk back to ramshackle, or do you need to stay here tonight?"

"No I'm no-" You only became more red as time went on. "We don't currently have extra rooms, but I can prepare my bed for you to rest in." Malleus meant so well, but he didn't know how you felt, or how flushed he was making you. "No, don't worry, i'm not sick. I just- uh.. sometimes humans get red or blush because of certain emotions. Like Riddle when he's mad." You shouldn't have used that example. "Have I angered you?" Malleus asked, his own expression seeming a bit sad. "No.. quite the opposite."

"Ah.. so why are you red?"

There was no getting out of this one. "You made me nervous," You felt like you were stuttering worse than Idia at that moment. "Nervous?" You realized that he might think you feared him. "Nervous because I have feelings for you. Of admiration. No, not like Sebek or some fan.. I love you." The Fae's eyes widened, before he calmed his expression and took your hand in his. "I love you too. I have for months." Malleus says softly.

Although professing his love which makes most people stutter or at the very least have some change in their voices, Malleus Draconia was completely calm, formal, and elegant. "Y-you do?" You asked, completely shocked. "Why of course. I don't give this much attention to just anyone, now do I?" He smirked, causing your face to redden even more. He sat down at your previous chair used for cello practice and motioned for you to come closer.

When you did he took your face in his hands. He pulled you closer and kissed you softly. After pulling apart he mumbled, "Now, child of man, would you do me the pleasure of allowing me to be your boyfriend?" You threw your arms around him and whispered a 'yes' into his ear. "Now then.. I believe we were on an E?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2023 ⏰

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