slashers reacting to their s/o flinching

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A little angst for you 😔

He froze. He when to pat your head and you jumped away. He didn't know what to do. He always made one rule, and it was not to hurt you, so why did you flinch. He just slowly backed away and left for a bit to give both of you space

When you flinched, it scared him and made him quickly pull his hand away before he realized what had happened. When he did realize what happened, he didn't know what to do. Why were you scared of him? What did he do? Why...

Watching you flinch when he went to hug you broke his heart. Why were you scared of him? Do you finally see him as a monster like everyone else?

Oh my God. You just flinch. When he went to hug you. You're scared of him. He froze not knowing what to do. Should he move away from you? Should he move closer and comfort you? Should he get someone?

He stopped dead in his tracks and didn't say a word. He didn't know what to do. You were scared of him. The one person he promised not to hurt was scared of him. He quickly left without a word and ran off to the gas station

He just sat there with a half smile that quickly faded. He had NEVER hurt you so why were you scared. "Dar'lin..." he said softly, staring at you with hurt eyes

He didn't quite know what to do. At first he laughed thinking you were joking around but quickly knew you weren't. He didn't really know how to handle this, I mean he knew what you did when he was panicking and would flinch at anything but not much else

Like his twin he had no fucking clue what to do so he just. Stared. In silence. Not moving. Just. Fucking. Staring.

Stu and Billy:
Billy just froze, staring at you with sad eyes. Stu laughed thinking you were fucking around but immediately realized you weren't. They both slowly moved close while still leaving so space and talking gently to you

Billy Lenz:
He's very sporadic, so most times he touches you, you flinch

Most things don't bother him but this did. Watch you, his lover, being scared of him, hurt something deep inside him

It broke him. As he watches you flinch it breaks something in him. The moment it happens he runs away and locks himself away. Somewhere he can't hurt you. Where are you safe from him and his mother

Therapy. Now. Watching you flinch means either he hurt you (which he would never) or someone else has hurt you, and he needed to find out. He'll keep distance from you, letting you calm down and breathe, and will ask about you flinching

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