Chapter 5- More Arguing

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This style for Sona's outfit is as close as it gets. The colors are way different.

Ajay's P.O.V.
Everything wasn't an act at all. Including the argument. I don't want to get married to her but I don't know why I'm so attracted to her. I lay in bed running through my mind of what happened from last night to a few hours ago. I was actually trying to kiss her no doubt. I just don't know what's gotten into me.

When I woke up, Arushi was in my room watching news on my flat screen tv,"Bhaiya isn't that Sona bhabi's friend, Kavya?" I didn't pay attention to the fact that she called Sonali Sona bhabi and she smirked when I said yes. "We are still trying to find missing 23 year old Kavya Singhania." Missing? But she is in the hospital. "I need to go talk to Sonali. I will be right back. Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone." I brush my teeth, shower, and put on a shirt and sweat pants. I didn't even bother to comb my hair.

I rung the doorbell to Sonali's house and crossed my arms, waiting. She came out wearing a tank top and pj shorts. Embarrassed, she quickly pulls her hair to the front to cover up,"Yea?" "Kavya is missing." "I was about to call you. She hasn't gone missing. Her dad and brother haven't found her mother and sister yet. The actually left the house for days just to find them but never succeeded. When they came strait to me when they didn't see Kavya at home. I told them she was at the hospital." I pushed her out of the way and walked into the house. Nice. I knew she wouldn't approve,"Excuse me I didn't ask you come in." "I grew tired of standing out side." She slams the door,"Can I tell you the rest of what happened?" "I'm not stoping you." "So as I was saying, they-" "Nice view," I said interrupting her on purpose. She frowns,"So I was sayi-" "You have any already made coffee?" I interrupt purposely, again. She clenches her fist and she patiently said,"Yes. I'll get you some." She comes back with black coffee and hands it to me,"Smells good but-" "SHUT UP, YAAR! All I've been trying to say is that when they went to go sign discharge papers, the doctors said she was already discharged by some guy named Sohan Kapoor!" I my cup on the side table and my eyes widen. "What? Do you know him? Arrē yaar, bol na." "No I don't know him. Haha fooled you!" "Hey, now is not the time. Right now my best friend is missing, today is going to be busy for me, and you're here just fooling around and being an ass." I lean back on the couch and make myself comfortable,"Okay. I have a meeting to go to, too. And your not going to find Kavya all by yourself now, would you? I think you're just in a bitchy mode right now so just chill." She glares at me and walks up the stairs,"After the meeting we are going strait to the police." "Uhuh." She came down wearing a red Patiala style baggy (Indian) pants and a yellow khurta top,"What are you staring at." "You." "Oh right, express not impress.unlike you it would be impress, not express." I scoffed. Now we are really getting arguments like husband and wife.

I return to the office in jeans and a blue dress shirt. Sonali is there, boy will I have fun arguing with her. Papa spoke,"This conference isn't just about Delhi Dreams, it's about two successful business owners joining families-" Sonali and I say in unison as we interrupt,"Not the wedding again." "Well what do you have in mind Sonali?" Her father asks. "Someone who isn't rude and-" "And someone who isn't a drunk." Everyone gasps. "You said it would get my mind off of things. I only tried one shot glass and I hated it. But can you explain what happened in your room?" We stood up,"That was an accident. I didn't know you would do that so out of fear, I grabbed your shirt making it tear." "So what do expect us to do with you two arguing all the time?" I fathers say with loud, booming voices. "Get us married to someone else."

Sonali's P.O.V.
"How about get us married," someone rather familiar says. "Sorry I was just joking. I could hear you two argue from outside I couldn't help but listen." He walks over to me and sticks his hand out,"Sohan Kapoor is my name and you must be Sonali Thakur Patel." I never told anyone about my second last name. Only Kavya and Ajay know about it. Who is this mysterious man? I feel like I know him. I don't shake his hand and I sit down. I stand up again,"I need some fresh air. I'll be back in a sec." As I walk out the door, I feel a sharp pain in my head. Everything is blurry and I'm seeing dizzy. Ajay comes out of the conference room. I hold my head and grasped his arm.

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