Corey slowly turned his head over to Jake and looked him dead in the eye. "You stole my granola bar?"

Jake looked to us all before looking back to Corey and slowly shaking his head side to side.


"I was hungry okay?" Jake yelled back before looking down. "I'm sorry, I'll give you some of my food?"

Corey starred at Jake, still an angry expression on his face before shrugging and smiling sweetly. "Okay!"

They are such children.

~~~Time Skip~~~

I walked out of the bathroom in a clean outfit consisting of baggy blue jeans, a black xplr hoodie I had grabbed from Colby's bag and some hightop converse shoes.

I tied my hair up into a ponytail with some strands sticking out to shape my face. I had been to lazy to do a full face of makeup — and I had been to scared to spend a longer amount of time in that scary bathroom than I needed to — so I had just done some concealer, highlighter, blush, mascara and some lip oil. It's not like I'm trying to impress anyone anyways, I know these guys love and accept me for who I am.

As I joined the group in the dining hall, I felt my phone vibrate rapidly in my pocket. I reached my left hand down and when I read the top of the screen the words 'Unknown Number' were boldly displayed on the bright screen.

"Oh, fuck no." I said as I showed my phone to Sam.

His eyes visibly widened as he pointed the camera my was, showing the words displayed on my screen before practically yelling at me.

"Answer it!" he reached for my phone but I quickly recoiled my hand and held it close to my chest.

"No!" I yelled back and that got everyone else's attention, concerned and confused glances being cast between Sam and I.

"Wait, what's going on?" Colby asked, the sound of his deep voice ringing through the air and stopping the bickering between Sam and I.

By now my phone had stopped ringing and Sam was pouting like a baby because I didn't answer it. Not to be rude — don't get me wrong, Sam is one of my best friends and I love him like a brother — but I think the only reason he wanted me to answer it was so he could use it as click-bate. Like he says; "Anything for the views."

"Nothing, it was just a random number trying to call me," I shrugged it off and Colby's eyebrows furrowed together.

"Well, do you know who it was?" he asked and I shook my head 'no'.

"Wait, a random number just called you?" Corey butted in, his big brown eyes filled with fear.

"Yes, and because I didn't answer it, Sam is pouting like little a baby," I complained as I pointed to Sam with irritation clear in my voice.

"Okay, don't be rude-" Jake cut in, defending his friend before I interrupted him instead.

"I'm sorry, but what was I supposed to do? I don't want to answer a random number- what if it was a hacker or something?"

"That doesn't give you the right to yell at, Sam!"

"I wasn't trying to be rude I was just saying that I'm not gonna do something I don't feel comfortable with!"

Mine and Jake's voices started to overlap with each other as we continued yelling, and with each word our voices seemed to be getting louder.

Me and Jake seemed to be continuously moving towards each other, both trying to intimidate the other and prove the point we were both trying to make. We were and inch apart before someone finally stopped the yelling match.

"Enough!" Colby yelled, taking a step in between us and creating some distance between Jake and I.

Just then my phone started to vibrate in my hand again and this time, everything went silent, even the ticking grandfather clock that was outside of the door.

Perfect timing, am I right?

As rage bubbled up inside of me, I let my other hand fly up and press the green answer button.

"Hello?" I held back from yelling into the phone and it came out in more of an annoyed monotone voice.

"Hello, Claire." a gentle voice erupted from the speaker of my phone.

I looked up to meet the faces of my friends, their eyes showing so many emotions at once that I doubt they even new how they felt themselves.

"Who is this?" I asked into the phone before the room returned to the deafening silence.

I don't think I was even breathing, everything was so still and silent I couldn't tell. I couldn't hear the swaying of the grass as the gentle October breeze blew on it like it was blowing out a birthday cake candle. I couldn't hear the song that the cheerful birds sang as they happily sat on the branches of the tall trees like they were royal, looking down and watching the world go by in peace.

The ocean waves had stopped moving, the creatures held their breath, the babies had stopped crying, the poor had stopped begging, the kings and queens had stopped ruling and the earth had stopped spinning. In that moment the whole entirety of the universe had completely stopped and not a single flame had the courage to move or flicker or breath or blink.

"I have called to inform you that you have psychic abilities. This may come as a surprise to you, but just know that nothing bad will happen and you can control it. You've had these abilities ever since you were born, and you've known it secretly for a long while as well. You know, don't you Claire?

"The random flashbacks, the déjà vu. It's all gonna connect, Claire. Just give it time and you can release them, you can save them. Just believe, control and offer. And also don't contact this number again. Goodbye, Claire."

The phone beeped as the line disconnected and the room was no longer silent. The grandfather clock chimed from outside the door, sending echoes as the sound bounced off the walls as the hands hit the twelve o'clock mark.

Everyone was now breathing so heavily they were practically panting. The grass swayed loudly as the wind blew as hard as it could, the birds started screeching their song loudly, the ocean waves crashed onto the sandy beach aggressively, the creatures crawled and skittered and stomped and wailed as the babies screamed and the poor had started demanding loudly and the king and queen sent orders to everyone in their kingdom and the earth sped up to 200mph.

Everything was so loud and I tried to clamp my eyes shut, only to realize that I was frozen in place. I tried to move but I couldn't. I was stuck like a fly on fly tape and there was nothing I could do. No matter how hard I tried I didn't move an inch.

The only thing I could see was the colours of the room as my vision was blocked and foggy from the tears welling up in my eyes, almost falling over the waterline. The only thing I could hear was the slow, shallow breaths inhaling and exhaling from my lungs. And the only thing I could think about was the same sentence over and over and over again.

"you have psychic abilities."

"you have psychic abilities."

I have psychic abilities.

hey there ya little goobers. how are you, how have you been? i'm so sorry this took so long! some family shit came up and I'm currently in the process of writing a new story 😏 but im not releasing any info until I publish the finished and edited story (because I know how much we all hate waiting for new chapters to be published.) also don't forget to comment and vote because I love your feedback and support! anyways, I love you all and I promise that the next chapter is going to be worth the wait! I love you all!

1987 words

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