The next time Wally noticed the girl was when him and Charley were picking the movies for movie night.

Katherine was sat in the library reading a book with a small smile and chewing slightly on her thumb nail to try and contain it. Wally felt himself stopping mid sentence to stare at her making Charley look and cringe. He could see what was happening..... this weird new fascination with a living girl wasn't healthy.

At the end of the school year she'd just be another student come and gone. The chances of her coming back as a teacher or school employee slim to none.

Suddenly for Wally it began to feel like the girl was just popping up everywhere for him. She'd constantly pass him in the hall, or he'd see her getting things dumped on her constantly.

The one day Wally was on the field running around doing football exercises when Katherine's gym class came out to run around the track. The girl wore shorts showing some skin for once and a short sleeve grey shirt that climb to her body.

Her hair that was usually down, was now in a high ponytail as she anxiously rubbed her bare arms.

Some cheerleaders snickered as the girl looked annoyed already before even running. That's also how Wally learned her name, when the female gym teacher began calling for attendance.

Katherine Verro.

She didn't even speak then, instead she mutely held her hand up as the teacher looked for her knowing she wouldn't speak.

Katherine was the one of the people who came in last as she walked the whole mile not caring enough to even try.

The sun beating down on her she threw her head back and sighed with some contempt.

Her head went down and for a second Katherine's eyes looked right in Wally's direction. The boy swallowed harshly as her eyes were looking right at him, for a second he truly believed she could see him.

But instead the girl huffed one more time before turning around to head back into the school and change.

That was the day Wally Clark found himself obsessing over the living girl. He learned her schedule so that he could watch her at the times he wanted. For example the times he could watch her do homework and read in the library, gym class and lunch.

Lunch was always the hardest for him to watch her because football players and cheerleaders were constantly dumping the school food on her.

Sometimes it was her own lunch, or even food they found left over in the trash bin. They even tossed her inside one of the grey bins once when Katherine had accidentally tripped on Timothy's foot. She had unintentionally dumped her chili down the front of his football jersey.

He was beyond livid.

So he gathered a group and began chanting of taking the trash out. Him and two other guys grabbed Katherine by the arms and legs before tossing her inside the bin. Then his girlfriend came over with a tray of chili with a sick little smirk. Her cheerleaders on her tail following suit as the rude blonde dumped the chili on Kats head.

Wally, Rhonda and Charley watched in utter horror as the girl clumsily climbed out of the bin making it fall over and spill onto the floor. The girl walked slipping around to the nearest bathroom as the entire cafeteria laughed at her.

The entire time she stayed mute.

It made Wally Clark curious why she never spoke, if he could talk to her that would be something he'd wanna ask her.

The Fear of Oblivion (Wally Clark)Where stories live. Discover now