𝟑𝟔- 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲

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You watched, you watched as Kirk got with Rebecca. And never have you ever in your entire life been this jealous.

It was hidden deep down inside that you were in love with Kirk. Only Jason had known when you accidentally spilled it to him one drunken night. Jason promised to keep your secret.

When you got jealous, you got angry. You didn't cry, you drank, drank your jealousy away.

So, that's what you did. It was constant, you drank and drank. Until Jason had to stop you or hold you up. Kirk got concerned, but Rebecca had always made up lies about you. It was causing him to drift away even more.

One cold evening, Metallica and their girlfriends, plus you, sat at a bar on the sunset strip. You watched as Rebecca through herself at Kirk, how artificial the love was. You ignored it of course, since your mind couldn't even comprehend that you were in a bar. The only thing you were focused on was Kirk.

The room started to spin, and that's when you saw Rbecaa pulling Kirk into a hot make-out session. "I'm going to be sick," You barely said, but Jason caught on. He instantly wrapped your arm around his shoulder and dragged you into the bathroom. He sat you on the floor and locked the door, where he held your hair back as you threw up all the alcohol that was currently in your system.

"Just let it out y/n, let it out," Jason tried not to get sick himself, since he could hear every detail. After which seemed like an eternity. You gasped, and wiped your mouth, leaning on the wall. "You good?" Jason spoke, breaking the silence, as you flushed the toilet. "Kinda," You groaned.

"I think you have a major alcohol problem." "I'm an alcoholic, Jason." "Yeah, but you never were before. I mean this only adapted like what? Six months ago? I mean, I'm shocked you're still alive at this point. Jesus, y/n." You sighed, everything stopped spinning, but the throbbing of your head, yeah that didn't stop, at all.

"Well, what do you think the reason is smart ass?" You raised your voice in irritation, thinking about Kirk. "Kirk maybe? Or is it something else that nobody else seems to know about?" "No! God no." Jason sighed and furrowed his eyebrows. He knew she was lying.

"So you're denying that your alcohol problem is due to Kirk getting into a relationship with somebody, other than yourself. I mean y/n, you used to have an interest in hanging out with us, but now it just seems like you're forcing yourself to come along. All you do is drink, and I know you don't like it. I know you don't like drinking, I know you don't like constantly showing up to one of our houses wasted. And I know you're in love with Kirk, y/n. You don't believe that because you can't properly function! And Kirk is in love with you as well!" "Then what is Kirk doing with a bitch like Rebecca, huh?! If he's in love with me?" You shouted.

Meanwhile, Jason and yourself continued the banter, as a familiar somebody stood behind the door, listening into the conversation. He wasn't eavesdropping, he just wanted to come to check if you were okay. He stood in the shadows, he could hear everything. The bar was particularly loud, but your 'friendly' conversation was loud, and I mean loud.

"Well, you don't show your feelings often y/n. Hate to admit it, but it's true." You exhaled through your nose. You knew Jason was right, you just didn't want to admit he was. You hated being wrong, and you hated how Kirk was in a relationship.

"Fine, I am in love with Kirk. I have been in love with him for years, and seeing him with Rebecca makes me wanna crash a fucking car into her! Okay?! I know that sounds extremely violent but, she's ruining my life, Jason! Have you realized ever since those two got together, you've been the only person who has been talking to me? Not Lars, not James, and especially not Kirk. You, Jason. This bitch came out of nowhere and shitted on my name! Spread rumors about shit I didn't know existed! So yeah, yes I'm a fucking alcoholic and I hate it! and maybe I am jealous that Kirk is with some whore that doesn't deserve him! He deserves so much better!" You ranted and Jason sat there in silence. He took in all of that, which caused an abrupt awkward silence.

Thats when the door crept open, and a figure revealed from behind. At first, both of you couldn't make out who it was. But then, the dull lighting of the bathroom shone on him. It was Kirk, the person who stood outside the door the entire time.


𝐊𝐈𝐑𝐊 𝐇𝐀𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐓 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now