𝟏𝟔- 𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐞

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Edited: 22.05.2023

Y/N was well respected. Everybody had so much love for her. Well, when it came to Kirk, the two of them hated each other from the get-go.

They met at an award show, she was sitting at the Motley Crue table, and Kirk was sitting at the table right next to them. The two bumped into each other, Kirk spilled his drink on her which pissed her off, not because her outfit was ruined and wet, but because Kirk was an absolute dick about it.


"Shit!" Y/N shouted and Kirk froze in place, his sleeve wet, everyone at both tables stopped and stared at the two. "Shouldn't have been in the way Miss L/N." "You bumped into Me, Hammett. An apology would've been nice, but of course, people like you are total assholes and selfish!" "Well, you saw me, didn't you? So, it's you're fault for walking into me!"

Y/N through her hands up in defeat, "Fuck this conversation and fuck you, Kirk!" "Oh you wish you would y/n, get your head out of your ass, bitch!"

Yeah, it was an intense first meeting. The two would go on interviews and be asked about that situation. That was the start of when the entire world knew that the two hated each other.

It was unfortunate for both of them that y/n was childhood best friends with James and Cliff. When Cliff passed, the tension between the two grew even more. Verbal arguments at the record studios, to the point where they were close to physical fights.

James and Lars were sick of it, and so was the new member, Jason, even though he literally joined a month ago. This time, y/n walked into the studio late and with an attitude, since she copped some bad work ethics at her job.

She opened the door and unintentionally slammed it, causing everyone in the room to jump. Kirk exhaled and spoke up. "Nice to see you y/n." "Fuck off Kirk." She walked over to the corner and sat in the chair. "You all good?" Lars asked in a concerned tone. "Can you all just fuck off honestly, I cop shit from Kirk every fucking day then go to my work and it's even fucking worse than here!" Y/N slung herself off the chair and kicked it toward Kirk.

"Now if you try to start any shit with me Hammett, I'm going to rip your hair off of your head and chop your dick off! So shove it." Y/N pushed him out of the way and stormed off, once again slamming the door behind her.

Kirk, flabbergasted, stared over to the other three who were in shock just as much as he was. "Kirk, in all honesty. You're in love with her." "I am not! I hate her guts!" James sighed. "Don't you ever think that maybe, just maybe, the reason why you hate her is that you love her?" Kirk opened his mouth to speak but closed it, thinking.

"Shit." Kirk suddenly realized the only reason why he argued with her was because he wanted to hide the fact that he was deeply in love with her. Kirk sped walked out the door and found y/n in the hallway. He carefully walked up to her and tapped her shoulder. "What do you want?" She sneered at him. "Look y/n can we talk- " No we cant fucking talk Kirk, now excuse me, I'm going back in there."

Kirk held his arm up to prevent her from walking back into the studio. "Kirk stop-" Kirk cut her off by slamming his lips onto hers, making the both of them stumble back into the studio door.

It turned into a heated makeout, until Lars opened the door, hitting the two of them. "What the fuck?! " Lars screamed, causing the two of them to scream, and rushed back into the studio. "THEY'RE FUCKING MAKING OUT!" You could hear Lars scream, and James and Jason, whooping in excitement.

"I hate everyone." "Same."

𝐊𝐈𝐑𝐊 𝐇𝐀𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐓 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now