XXIX. Back to where it all began

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Present – 1997

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Present – 1997

Interviewer: What was it like visiting Pittsburgh during the tour?

Billy Dunne: It was...nice. I got to see my mom, Camila and Julia. 

Graham Dunne: I was excited, I was seeing my family and now I was finally introducing Karen to my mom as my girlfriend [the older man smiles softly]. 

Warren Rojas: I brought Lisa with me [the older man smiles]. She met my family and old friends, it was great.

Eddie Loving: It was the first time we had taken Nathaniel to Pittsburgh, it felt good to be back home. I saw my mom and grandma, something I rarely had the chance to do [the older man smiles].

Aislinn Loving: It put a lot of things into perspective, one being that while Pittsburgh would always be my first home it was no longer my forever home.


Everyone had arrived to Pittsburgh on the private plane, as their next concert would be the next day in their hometown. It felt weird to Aislinn to arrive in Pittsburgh through a private flight, but that all disappeared when the door opened and she saw her mom and Eddie's family wave at them.

With Nathaniel in her arms, Aislinn ran down the stairs over to her mom, engulfing her in a hug. It had been nearly seven months since she had seen her. After pulling away, Marlene took Nathaniel from Aislinn so that Aislinn could go and say her hello's to Eddie's family. Eddie followed her lead, at this point Nathaniel now being in Eddie's mom, Janet's arms.

"We missed you so much." Janet cooed, Eddie made a fake frown at his mother. "Are you only talking to Nathaniel?" Eddie faked his sadness, Janet simply dismissed Eddie's comment with a wave of her hand. 

Graham had walked down the stairs with Karen on his arm and introduced her and Marlene. While Billy greeted his mom and introduced Daisy, Aislinn had spoken to Camila and now carried Julia in her arms. 

Aislinn heard her name called and turned to see it came from Eddie's grandma. "You look very nice, my dear. How have things been taking care of Nathaniel on tour?" Eddie's grandma asked.

"At first it was tiring, but we've now gotten used to a routine." Aislinn smiled as she moved Julia to hold her from her other hip. "Things will get better, just you wait." Eddie's grandma smiled as she put a hand on Aislinn's shoulder, before walking away.

Loving You Through It All│Eddie Lovingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن