One ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Start from the beginning

The influence of the mother had latched onto her daughter. Winter despised her father for what he had done, blamed him for her mother's death, and renounced any involvement with him.

They weren't a family, merely two strangers with shared names and shared blood.

That's why her heart pounded as Dolon waved her over, a million different thoughts running through her head, all bad, as she resisted the urge to book it back out the door and instead, sucked in a breath and made her way through the crowds gathered in Heavensbee Hall, over to him as he spoke to Professor Sickle with a smile on her lips.

It had become second nature to Winter at this point, the facade she displayed to her peers was one of a calm and collected girl, not daring to let them see the self hatred and disgust she held for herself, for her family name, they'd tear her apart like ravenous dogs, desperate to rip out her insides and dine on her troubling thoughts and darkest secrets.

She hadn't done this, she had no involvement in the Hunger Games but it didn't seem to matter, her name was always going to be a direct association with it. She'd never be free of them, it was a weight she'd have to bare for the rest of her life, and she could already feel herself buckling under it.

"Good morning, Miss. Highbottom," The woman greeted as she settled beside them. "Such an exciting day! The Plinth Prize winner is here in this room." Winter offered the woman a soft smile, that had been the reason for their gathering at the Academy. While Winter was flattered that her performance had gained her recognition amongst her peers she knew that if she were to win the Plinth Prize she wouldn't be able to accept the money. Her life had been planned out for as long as she could remember, her place at the University had been secured since she was a child, there were families who didn't have that luxury, who needed this to keep their status, who were too proud to admit it. If she were to win she would thank but politely decline Strabo Plinth's generous gift, and insist that it be given to the runner-up.

"Yes, very exciting," She replied, her tone lacking the enthusiasm her words called for. Professor Sickle didn't catch it and instead smiled before excusing herself as she spotted a group of students trying to sneak out, leaving Winter alone with Dolon. She studied him for a few seconds, trying to find a crack in his exterior that would reveal his true motives for being here.

"You're dress is-"

"Why are you here?" Winter cut him off with narrowed eyes earning a laugh from the young man.

"Jeeze, I'm glad to see you too, Winnie." He smiled at her bluntness. "I've been good, a little tired but other than that... thanks for asking." Her unamused expression made his eyes roll. "What? Can't I come see you win this prize?"

"Dolon," She warned. "I'm being serious."

"I'm here on official Capitol business," He admitted in a low tone, Winter took a step closer to him and urged him to further explain. "No can do, kiddo, all will be revealed by Dr. Gaul soon."

"She's here?" Winter muttered, almost afraid that if she were to speak her name she would appear and snatch her away. Her fingers found her hair, twisting and combing through the satin curls in an unconscious effort to self-sooth.

"It's Reaping Day," Her body jerked back as if the boy before her had suddenly burst into flames. She felt the world around her begin to crumble and the pieces merge back together to create a clearer picture.

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