"I think he wants more then this pussy." I lowly said as I arched my eyebrow. She sucked her teeth, "yeah right."

I turned around and entered my job building. I didn't want to deal with her but I was grabbed by the back of my shirt.

I quickly spinned around and slapped her, "do I have to give you another ass whoppen?" I spat as she held on her cheek.

"Don't touch me again." I lowly spat before returning to my job.


I was a little late to lunch with Zade because I had to go home and change into something else that didn't look wore out.

I wore a pink sundress that had floral prints and paired it with white heels. I rushed inside the fancy restaurant and immediately seen Zade sitting down with his eyes on me.

His eyes were lowered as he kept a cold look on his face. I hurried over to him and gave a kiss on his cheek before sitting down.

"Get up." He lowly said making me tilt my head. "Why-"

"Obey." He lowly said again and I did. He slowly got up revealing his tall height. "Next time you don't sit unless I pull out your chair. Got it?" He growled in my ear so deeply.

"Yes. I'm sorry." I whispered back. "Sit." He sternly said and I did and he gently scooted me in.

He sat back down and clamped his hands together. "Yes I know I'm 30 minutes late. I had to go back home and get ready. Oh and not mention your psychotic ex showed up to my job and placed her hands on me." I blurted out giving him the same energy he was giving me.

He lifted his head. "She showed up to your job?"

"I didn't stutter did I?" I muttered out and looked away from him. "Quit the fucking attitude before I give you something to straighten you out." He growled out and I scoffed.

"Your not going to give me shit. Im pissed off because your mad that I was late and then you have a crazy ex who's obsessed with both of us." I spat back and scooted back out the chair.

"What the hell do you want me to do about that? She has a restraining order on me... I told you the whole back story." He lowly said and I rolled my eyes and stood up.

"Oh so you can be involved in the mafia but scared of a restraining order against your psychotic ex? Your a fucking joke." I laughed out before walking away from him.

I walked out the building and he quickly wrapped his hands around my waist tightly. "Get off of me Zade."

"You want me to kill her?" He whispered in my ear. "Excuse me?" I spluttered out. "Do you." He whispered again.

He placed his hands tightly on my lower waist. "Zade-"

"She's in the way of our relationship and I don't like that. I can't afford to loose you, you mean so much to me. So that means if I have to get blood on my hands then I will." He growled out in my ear deeply as I placed my hands ontop of his.

"I don't want you to be afraid of what I do. You are heavily protected and cared for. So please let's go back in there and enjoy ourselves?" He softly said in my ear and I nodded.


"I know your in the mafia thing but what do you really do besides that?" I asked quietly as he took a bite of his salmon.

"I box. I run my own boxing facility, you are welcome to watch some of my fights." He said after he was done chewing.

"I would love that but I wouldn't be able to stand you getting hurt." I softly said as I picked over my lamb chops.

"That's apart of the game baby. You get hurt no matter what, you loose some and you win some but in my case I have 124 wins and 4 losses." Zade bragged making me arch my eyebrow.

"I have a very good fighter on my hands then." I said with a smile and he nodded. We ate in silence before I broke it.

"How many kids do you want Zade?" I asked and he looked directly in my eyes. "How many you're willing to give me." He said with a serious face making me quickly look down.

"2-3 would be nice. A baby girl and a boy or two girls." He softly said and I nodded my head. "You?" He asked.

"I would be grateful for how many kids but 1 or 2 would be great. I mainly want a baby girl though. So I can spoil her." I said with a big smile as I looked over at him.

"I can make that happen just to let you know. Any time." He gave a wink making me giggle out.

"We've only been together for a year. That's too early." I said and Zade hummed. "A year with you is like a lifetime. I feel like we can start trying for a little one. I wouldn't mind." Zade said and I immediately felt my cheeks get hot.

"Mmm, we'll see." I said as I began to cut my lamb chops and looked down.


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