Chapter 3

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"Dude what the hell was that?" Fm was the first one to recover from the whole ordeal.

Smg4 sighed. "I don't know I- panicked."

"Are you embarrassed of your crush on Smg3?" Mario spoke up.

"No!" Four quickly said turning around to see the concerned look on his friends faces. "I just don't want this to get out of control. I'd rather not have Three finding out about this because I want to be the one to tell him, not from some rumors." He turned back to face the road. "Where is X and Meggy? I didn't see them by the showgrounds."

"We all planning to have breakfast at Starbucks and start planning your love confession to three." As Mario was talking, he started elongating to Four just to tease him. Smg4 let out a hhrmph, his face started to blush.

"What- Whatever let's just go." The meme man stuttered out, clearly flustered. 'I'm going to probably have to deal with that a lot today.' he thought to himself.

"So, when did you get these feelings for Smg3, I doubt it when he was trying to steal your videos?" Fm was smirking, clearly enjoying the chaos.

Mario chimed up. "It was definitely when they got stuck in an igloo."

Four felt his entire face go red, he almost forgot about that. "Act-actually, it's more recent than that, it started out when we defeated Zero. I was kind of in denial for a while but, ever since he saved me from the entity that took over Peach's castle that's when I finally accepted that I had feelings for him."

"Aww, that's very sweet." Fm paused for a second. "But I still want to know about the igloo." Fm and Mario watched Smg4's face grew red as Mario's shirt.

"Oh, that's easy! When Mario went to go save them from being trapped in an igloo, Mario found the two Fu-"



When they finally arrived at the Starbucks Mario was the first one out the Rv, well more like slid out on to the pavement right to Meggy, X, and Cube, Fm's pet penguin. Mario muffled a hello, waving his hand slightly. Fm stepped out next Cube went up and hugged his leg, and finally Smg4, whose face was still pink from the whole ordeal from earlier.

"Glad to see you guys finally make it." X no longer had a hat on, leaving his hair on full display. His hair was darker and curlier now, he still had a mustache although it was a bit smaller and less bushy than Mario's, his eyes were now a dark brown, his gloves now had Xs on them, and he was wearing a short-sleeve shirt with his overalls which were rolled up enough to see that he is wearing socks, that had the same pattern of the shirt Cube was wearing. Four wondered if they were a gift from Fm.

"Yeah, I could use some coffee. Something tells me I'm really going to need it today." Smg4 could already feel a headache forming.

The gang went inside and order their drinks and some pastries. Seeing Mario eat something besides spaghetti was shocking to say a least. As Mario gulped down his second croissant, Meggy started to speak. "Uh, Red I don't think you should be swallowing that thing whole."

"Oh, please Meggy. Mario is perfectly fin-" before Mario could finish, he started choking. Meggy screamed, starting the hymnlike on the red plumber.

Four decided it was a perfect time to ask questions while Mario was distracted. "Uh, so you two have been dating and never told me?"

X chuckled at that. "We thought you knew."

Curse him and his lack of social interaction. Four faced palmed "Of course." He looked over to Mario and Meggy, who finally got the croissant out, with Mario giving the pastry the bird. Four looked back to his long-time friends. Mario and Meggy rejoining them. "For how long?"

"Well, when you lived together for the past couple of years, something is bound to happened" Fm spoke up.

"Yeah," X started nudging his shoulder on his boyfriend "He decided to ask me out on a date by singing some song from a puppet musical." That got a chuckle out of everyone.

Fm blushed. "You still liked the song." Fm teased back.

"I never said I didn't." X retorted back. Four looked at Fm and X feeling a pang of jealousy, he wished his and Three's relationship can be like that.

Four shook the thought out of head. "Alright, so what's the plan?"

Meggy smirked getting out a white board from her pocket. "I spent a few hours last night coming up with a plan." She said as she placed the white board on the table. It had stick figures of Four and Three in the corner. "The first part was to make sure there were less distractions, and the best way possible was to make sure the old showgrounds were busy. I had Fm tell Hal about that we were going to build there."

"What we didn't expect was for him to doing it at eight in the fucking morning." Fm let out a tired sigh, before taking a sip of his coffee.

Meggy awkwardly chuckle before continuing. "With our group's hangout spot being occupied, that leads us to step two, getting the Rv stolen."

"Wait, stolen!?" Smg4 panicked.

"Don't worry the Rv is not actually going to be stolen. We're just having Mario driving it behind my house." The former inkling reassured the meme man. "Step three, getting Smg3 to come up from the internet graveyard. It shouldn't be too hard since he has been hanging out with us a lot recently." As Meggy got out a marker to reveal the final step. "Step four, a lovely stroll around the park. We all chose this place because of the beautiful flowers, and most importantly the quiet relaxing atmosphere." She finished drawing a basic scenery of a park.

"That; sounds really nice actually." Four admitted. After these past few weeks, some peace and quiet would be nice. However, dark thoughts suddenly swirled in his brain. "What if he doesn't like me that way? What if this is all for nothing?"

Fm and X looked at each other, unsure how to help, after all they remember when Three was Four's mortal enemy. Luckily Meggy spoke up, gently touching Four's hand. "Smg4, I have no doubt that Three likes you back. Remember when we were in the castle, and he gave you a heart-to-heart speech?"

Four took a deep breath "You're right. Thanks, Meggy"

Mario cheered "Besides if that doesn't work, we could always put you two in another igloo" Four's face turned red. Meggy looked at Mario confused, but before the plumber could get another word in Four immediately covered his mouth.

Four looked at Fm with a death glare "Not. A. Word."

X looked over to his boyfriend confused. Fm chuckled "I'll tell you later."

Smg4 sighed 'I'm going to regret this'.

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