Where's Wallace?

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Everyone froze for a moment until a couple of the people in the room let out blood curdling screams and collapsed to the floor, clawing at their faces.

"Containment breach!" Someone shouted.

The door slammed shut and Hamilton looked around the room, searching for the sick excuse of a president.

Jasper pulled himself loose and went for the door.

One of the treated guards went for their gun but Hamilton beat them to it, sending a bullet through his brain.

Jasper didn't have time to thank him for saving his life, he had to get to Maya.

Another one of the guards caught on to Hamilton's betrayal and reached for his weapon. Once again he was quicker and took him out. What he hadn't seen was the guard on the opposite side of the room.

He felt a numbness in the side of his stomach then a searing hot pain.

He crumbled to the ground with a pained grunt, clutching the wound as blood seeped through his fingers.

With faded sight, he scowled up at the guard, his hand reaching for his gun that was just out of his grasp.

A chain looped over the enemy guard's head and tugged back, latching tightly around his neck.

A blast set off and the bullet hit the ground into the pool of Hamilton's blood.

Miller pulled tight enough to crush the guard's oesophagus and slammed his head into the concrete wall.

Harper had freed herself when the key got passed down to her and went straight for a scalpel, shoving it into the throat of an escaping doctor.

"Thanks man." Hamilton wheezed from the floor as Miller crouched to stop the bleeding.

He turned to Abby who was rubbing her wrists and limping over to Raven, releasing the strap from her forehead.

"Dr. Griffin! Help him, please, he's one of us!" He called urgently.

Hamilton pointed with a weak finger at the door. "We need.... Kill Wallace..." He mumbled before falling faint.


Cora dropped to the ground with her hands over her ears. The voice speaking to her a blur.

She saw a bag drop infront of her through the tears welling in her eyes.

Her arms trembled as she tried to block out the pitch that over took her mind.

"Look who it is..." She heard.

"Remember me?..."

She growled, no words being able to escape her lips. Her eyes darkened at the sight of the man kneeling over her.

She caught a glimpse of something in his hand as she writhed on the ground. Something red that reflected the moonlight.

Lincoln looked up from his place on the ground. He too had fallen at the sound. He saw the danger his sister was in and he was beyond enraged.

He pushed himself to his feet and charged for the pale man with his sword. Resisting the tone and resisting the red.

He swiped the blade down on Cage's arm, severing half of it clean off to prevent Cora from any harm he was about to inflict.

The red fell to the ground and he swiped it away. He turned off the frequency generator and Cora was finally able to relax.

She pushed herself up and spat in Cage's face. He was in too much shock to react. He just laid there, his eyes wide and his arm spurting deadly amounts of blood.

She crouched over his stiffened body and grabbed him by the scruff of the neck. "Hey!" She breathed with a wicked tone. "Remember me?"

His breathing became ragged and she knew he wouldn't last much longer. She leaned in close, inches away from his ear. "I'm your worst nightmare."

She turned to Lincoln with a smile, as if nothing had even happened.

Her smile almost faltered when she saw him looking down at the syringe filled with a red substance. His eyes were dark, she could tell he was contemplating something.

"Lin?" She called softly, hoping not to startle him.

He pulled his eyes away from it to her.

"Since we're all getting our revenge today." He muttered, crouching beside her.

He plunged the syringe hard into Cage's neck, releasing the liquid into his body.

Cora grinned at the expression on Lincoln's face, she saw only a sense of relief from him. Like he was finally slaying his last demon.

He stood with her, both of them looked down upon the pitiful excuse of a human being jerking with an arched back.

"Don't worry, the first dose is always the worst." Lincoln echoed his words.

Cora looked up at her brother and let out a laugh.

"Did he seriously say that to you?" She chuckled in disbelief.

"You think my line was cheesy? Listen to yours!" He retorted teasingly.

She laughed out loud and wrapped her arms around him. "Thank you Lin."

He reciprocated the gesture and squeezed her gently. "I'm glad you're you again."

They set off once more, this time side by side, eager wouldn't be enough to describe how the both of them were feeling.

Do you ever take a certain liking to someone and your heart starts fluttering at the simple thought of them and you feel like you're dying when they give you a sexy side smile thing with a little wriggle of the brow. Cause yeah. That's me right now and it's so stupid but so nice.

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