30: StyleAid Corporation

Start from the beginning

"Okay..." Rory broke the awkward silence. "Let's just try to keep the ideas down to things we can actually accomplish," She said and at the same time Paris stood up and put a heavy binder on everyone's desk. "And I guess Paris is next."

"The average teenager spends seven hours a day at school. Seven hours where he or she is busy walking from class to class..." Paris continued talking but Josh didn't listen to a word she said.

He just sat there for the next hour, thinking about the project leader's sister.


"Agh!" Lorelai cringed as she continued reading her book. "Blah!"

"Mom, I can still hear you!" Cassie yelled from the kitchen. She had her computer open, trying desperately to finish her essay. Except her ideas kept getting interrupted by-

"Yuck!" Lorelai shook her head as the phone began to ring on the table behind her. Neither of the Gilmores went to grab it, since they already knew who was calling. "Agh!"

"Hey!" Rory yelled as she ran into the house.


"Oh my god!" Cassie let out a groan of annoyance.

"Guys!" Rory ran over to the ignored phone and picked it up just as it stopped ringing. "Hello?" She waited for a reply but the person was already gone. Rory dropped the phone, "That ringing isn't just in your head, you know?"

"You've gotta read this Motley Crue book," Lorelai told her from her spot on the couch. "I swear, you get to the point where Ozzy Osbourne snorts a row of ants and you think, it cannot get any grosser, then you turn the page and oh, hello, yes it can! It's excellent."

"Why didn't you guys answer the phone?" Rory asked them, leaning slightly so she could see Cassie in the kitchen.

"Because I firmly believe that once you've experienced something five thousand times, you need to move on," Lorelai answered.

A confused expression formed on Rory's face, "What are you talking about?" She asked as Cassie stood up from her chair and walked into the living room.

"We knew who it was," Cassie told her as she leaned against the stair railing.

"Who was it?" Rory asked.

Lorelai smiled, "The same person who's called the machine so many times now that I actually heard it sigh."

It only took Rory five seconds to figure out who Lorelai was talking about. She glanced over at Cassie who just nodded her head, confirming Rory's suspicions. "Dean?"

"Dean the determined," Lorelai smiled, finding this more amusing than either of her daughters.

"Oh man," Rory sighed just as the phone began to ring.

"Five bucks says I know who that is," Lorelai said with a smirk as Rory answered the phone.

"Hello? Oh, hey Grandpa."

Lorelai let out an annoyed sigh as she reached for her purse. "He did that on purpose," she sighed as she handed Rory five bucks.

"I'm gonna try and finish my paper," Cassie said before walking back into the kitchen. She looked at the screen looking at the empty document that was supposed to be filled with her thoughts on Black Elk Speaks.

Currently all she had written was her name and the title. Everything else was blank. Hell even her mind was blank. It was like every thought or idea she's ever had disappeared.

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