Part 20 - Dinner at Maggie's

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Georgie's POV:
It's been two days since I got back to Heartland, and I still haven't told anyone the news. Quinn's flight was delayed last night so he's just got on the plane now. I was in the bathroom, over the toilet. There was a knock on the door. "Georgie? Can you drive me into town?" Lyndy whispered through the door. I wiped my mouth and stood up. I unlocked the door and nodded. I knew Lyndy was meeting with Ty today, but I thought she would have told Lisa or Jack before going. Obviously not. I grabbed my phone from the kitchen as I headed out to my car. Lyndy was already in the car, tapping her hand anxiously on the door. "If you want to get outta there, if you don't feel comfortable, I'll be right here. I'm not leaving until you get back into this car." I tell her, in a firm tone. She nods, then hesitates. "What about Quinn? What if he lands?" She asks. I shrugged. "He has a phone, he knows how to call a cab." I grin. This made Lyndy laugh, which was good. She opened up the car door and got out. "Lyndy." I say before she's closed the door. She poked her head back in the car. "Yeah?" I smiled at her. "Good luck." She nodded, lips curling into a smile. I watched as she waited for the road to be clear, then walk across the road. God, I really hope this goes well.

Ty's POV:
I had returned to Hudson yesterday, early morning, and had a look around town. Maggie's was still there, thriving. I was sitting in the corner table, a glass of water in front of me. I looked at menu, gladly having the steak and chips. I was waiting for Lyndy to get here to order, it was more respectful. I was swiping on my phone, texting Maeve that I was in Maggie's. I sent her a picture of the diner too. She sent back five drooling emoji's. Someone stood next to the table, clearing their throat. "T-Ty?" They asked. I looked up, and my heart nearly stopped. It was Lyndy, and she was the mirror image of Amy. "Lyndy?" I said as she sat down. She nodded. I smiled. "You look just like her, your mother." I say without thinking. I shake my head and try to speak without stuttering until I see her smile. "It's okay, Grandpa tells me that all the time." She says. I nod. Her face turns slightly serious. "Nobody knows I'm here, let alone with you. I'm not supposed to be talking with you, I'm not supposed to have your phone number. I'm not supposed to have anything to do with you." She says, honestly. I nod. "I get it, Lyndy, I really do. I understand that you've lived your whole life with me as the bad guy, but I'm clean now. I'm not drinking anymore. I worked hard to get clean and I'm not about to go back. I promise you, I'm not going anywhere." I say, and it wasn't forced. I had thought, a lot, about Jack, Tim, Lou, Lisa, about them all. I knew they wanted me gone, out of Lyndy's life, but I'm still her father and a girl needs her father. "I know your clean. I know that you've tried. What I don't know is why you didn't come back. Why you went to Maeve and started a new friend when you could have come back and fought for me. Fought for us. I don't get it." She says, picking up her menu while shaking her head. Before I could answer, a young girl, around Lyndy's age walked up to us. "Hey Lynx, I assume you want you're usual? Since you're boring like that." The girl joked, making Lyndy smile. "For one, I am not boring. And yes, I'll have my normal, thanks Nat." She answered, handing Nat her menu. "You Ty?" She asks me. Lyndy, answering for me, nods. "Yeah. Ty, meet Natara. Natara, meet Ty." Lyndy said, giving Natara a look. "Pleasure." Nat says, taking out a notepad. "Your order?" She asks. I nod, picking up the menu. "Em, steak and chips. And a glass of coke." I say, handing her my menu. She nods and scribbles it down on her notepad. Lyndy clears her throat, looking at me apologetically. "I have to run to the bathroom real quick, I won't take long. Will you...?" She asks, and I know she means will I be okay here alone. I nod. "Go ahead, take your time." She smiles and stands up, walking away out of sight. I'm swiping away at my phone when the all to familiar voice pulls me out of my train of thought. "Ty?"

Heartland FanFic [Just a Dos Fanfic tbh]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin