A "normal" morning (Chapter one)

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I woke up in my bedroom, my maid, Selthia was already standing next to my bed. "Good morning! The queen wants to see you, she says she has an.. 'important' announcement for you!" I arose from my bed and quickly went to the bathroom, where my typical dress was already layed out for me. It wasn't fancy or anything, but it did still have that feel that screamed 'This is the princess!!'.

I put it on and sat down at my vanity, Selthia had started to do my hair. She put pearls and gems in my wavy white hair. As she finished she put my tiara made of pearls and seashells on my head. I stood up and walked out into the hallway. It had beautiful blue velvet carpet, lined with gold.

As i reached the throne room I opened the door, and it seemed we had visitors. They didn't look like travelers though. They looked more like royalty from another kingdom. "Ah, great you're here Kira." My mother said to me. There was sternness in her British accent. "What is it mother?" I stared up at her on her throne, confusion in my light blue-gray eyes.

"This is prince Ridas. He will be your king since you cannot rule on your own." My eyes widened with surprise. "Mother are we seriously gonna le--" "Hush. I will give you one month to get to know eachother, then we will have the wedding." I gasped but then swiftly put my hand over my mouth.

I stormed out of the room and straight to my bedroom where i flinged myself onto my bed. Selthia came in my room and and sat next to me. "You know, the queen wants the best for you. She went through this exact thing when she was your age." "But then wouldn't she want me to choose who i want to marry? If she went through this she wouldn't want me to would she?!" I felt furious. My own mother was FORCING me to marry someone i know nothing about.

"Well.." "That's right. She doesent care if i like this guy or not, all she cares about is that i produce an heir to the throne. Nothing else." Selthia was the only person I could open up to. It was like.. she understood my feelings. "I understand if you want some time alone." "I do, thanks."


Hours later, i was reading to try and get my mind off the whole 'situation' when my mother came in. "Kira, we are having dinner with your future husbands family. I expect you to look your best." "Yes mother." I stood up and let out an annoyed sigh. Tonight is going to be very long.

Hiya y'all so uhm i litterarly wrote this entire chapter on a bus back to my home so yeah if it's bad u can blame it on the fact that it was late anyways when I get home I might write some more idk tho - Sarah(author)

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