Episode 1: A New Day (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

Anne: so did he do it?

Cop: They caught the fucker red-handed! Stabbin' his wife, cutting her up as the boys came through the door! He sits in my car screaming bloody murder that it wasn't him! I think he actually believed it himself. It goes to show, people will up and go mad when they believe their life is over.

The policeman turns as he is talking, looking away from road

Cop: Oh, I got another good one for ya. This one's a little bit less depressing and a bit more hilarious if I do say so.

A zombie is wandering the highway


Someone beside Anne yelled as the police car crashed with goofy psychics as everyone fears their arms around We see Anne and the black man beary alive as we hear the officer getting killed by the walkers

Sometime later

They Both regain their consciousness and find themselves in police car

???: grr ah shit.... Thirsty

Anne: ow my head wait who are you

???: I'm Lee and you are?

Anne: I'm Anne

Lee: *sees the dead officer* Hey Officer Were still cuffed back here

No Response

Anne: That doesn't look good. He wasn't ejected from the car...

Lee: is dead?

Anne: I don't know!

Lee: Hey! Are you dead?!

They noticed a window is cracked and it has perfect that need to get out of car

Lee then kicks the glass shattering it and when they got out Anne Realize that Lee twisted his leg

Lee notice shotgun shell and gets while Anne saw a shotgun and tries to get it

but Anne was still cuffed so she couldn't grab the gun worse still Lee noticed a tall bunny-like figure in the distance

She found a handcuff key near a officer dead as she tries to unlock it but she drops the key

She heard a familiar name begin to play in her head as the tall bunny figure was right in from of her


Anne: esther why does that name sound so familiar?

but after she got the cuffs off of her & Lee the Officer unexpectedly attacks

And it became.... A Walker!

???: esther esther esther EstHeR EsThEr ESTHER ESTHER ESTHER

that name was repeated over and over again in Anne's head as she and Lee ran to the gun

Lee picks up the shotgun next to him, he then picks up the shell, tries to insert it but drops it.

Lee loads the Gun

Lee: Don't make me do this!

Lee shoots the sheriff killing him and his head was rotten

Clem saw the whole thing go down and so did Twig

Anne: god. He smells like rot and hell, what the heck?

Lee sees her (as mysterious figure)

Anne: huh who's that?

Lee Help! Go get someone, there's been a shooting!

Suddenly a walker appears out of nowhere and so other walkers

Anne ran for life but Lee struggle due to his leg broken

Anne: Come on, dude!

Lee: I'm trying ma'am!

Then a girl with unknown power helped Lee as walkers behind him

They managed to make it and jump on fence, the Walkers tries to break through but gunshot hear a distance outside and goes that noise

Then the tall bunny figure reveals itself as none other than Mr. Hopp to Anne and Lee when they saw each other at clem's house

Anne: whoa, who are you?

Lee: It's Mr Hopps

Anne: Wait Hopp?!?!?!

Mr Hopps: Tell me what on earth is going on there?

Anne: We don't know it happened when it going to jail

(End of part one)

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