0 - Down The Path

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Everything was like a blur. You don't even remember how it happened, but it all ended up happening too fast for you to even comprehend. As your mother runs with your father to get you to safety, you look around and see countless upon countless civilians being shot to death by rogue droids as your father shoots them down, guiding you and your mother a clear path.

F/N: Don't look, my son! Don't look!

You close your eyes in fear, your breathing getting heavy as you hear blaster fire, explosions, fire, and the dying screams of civilians. Over time, you're brought to a hatch in the ground as you open your eyes, your mother places you down in it.

Y/N: Momma! Pappa!

Your mother looks down in the hatch, looking directly at you with a hurt yet sweet smile.

M/N: I love you, Y/N. I always will.

Your mother quickly closes the hatch as you get up, your 6 year old body unable to even open it. You bang and slam your fist on the hatch to no avail, but, you immediately stop once you hear an explosion. Your eyes widen, and you get back onto the floor as heavy footsteps are heard.

Y/N: Momma? Pappa?

The hatch opens, and from it, a commando droid points its blaster at you. It talks to you in a very emotionless voice.

Commando Droid: Eliminate target.

You close your eyes, ready for the end

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You close your eyes, ready for the end. Yet it doesn't come. A few blaster bolts land on the Droid, killing it. You open your eyes to see... a Mandalorian?

She offers you a hand as she leans down

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She offers you a hand as she leans down.

???: I gotcha. You're gonna be alright.

You hesitantly get up, but you accept her hand, she lifts you and holds you in her arms.

???: Got a name, kid?

Y/N: It's Y/N... what's yours?

Morvini: Morvini.

You look over at your parents, covered in rubble.

Y/N: No... No...

Morvini quickly averts your eyes from looking at them as she takes you out from the narrow space leading to the hatch.

Morvini: You don't need to see that.

Y/N: Morvini... when will they wake back up?

Morvini sighs.

Morvini: Y/N, they aren't coming back. Commando Droids are... ruthless to say the least.

You shed tears, but Morvini wipes them away gently. Morvini looks around to see various other Mandalorians shoot and kill the battle droids. One Mandalorian looks at Morvini and points upwards before continuing to fight, causing Morvini to look at you.

Morvini: Hold tight, kid.

Morvini's jetpack is activated, the both of you soaring through the sky as you look down at Mandalorians fighting droids around every corner. Morvini eventually makes it to a ship, and lands in it as the opening ramp closes up.

After that, you don't remember much. Asides from Morvini taking you in as her son, 3 years passing since you were rescued, and the various training sessions to hone you into becoming a deadly Mandalorian like the others.


But after every single day you trained, it all lead to this moment. In the lively mines of Mandalore, at the very Living Waters.

Many Mandalorians hit their gauntlets together including Morvini as a lone Mandalorian walking towards you is holding a helmet

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Many Mandalorians hit their gauntlets together including Morvini as a lone Mandalorian walking towards you is holding a helmet.

Many Mandalorians hit their gauntlets together including Morvini as a lone Mandalorian walking towards you is holding a helmet

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You stand at the ready while the lone Mandalorian stops in front of you. Her dark red and golden armor shining.

The Armorer: "I swear on my name and the names of the ancestors..."

As if like a mantra, you repeat it right away.

Y/N: I swear on my name and the names of the ancestors.

The Armorer: "That I shall walk the Way of the Mand'alor..."

Y/N: That I shall walk the Way of the Mand'alor.

The Armorer: "And the words of the Creed shall be forever forged in my heart."

Y/N: And the words shall forever be forged in my heart.

The Armorer places the helmet on your head, and leans down to scoop a handful of the Living Waters to drop onto your head, running past the visor and landing on your tunic.

The Armorer: This is the way.

Other Mandalorians: This is the way.

Y/N: This is the way.

And with that, there's no backing out now. But to you, it's either become a Mandalorian or starve. Yet you gladly choose the first option. With no hesitation.

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