He stayed in me for a moment, not wanting to let go of the feeling. He pulled out of me and admired the view. Seeing my legs shaking, my now messy hair due to his pulling, and coconut oil glistening on me from when we first began.

I got up slowly, heading to the restroom to relieve myself, knowing the significance of it as a woman. When I came back out, I saw him standing staring at me, a closed smile on his face.

"You are so beautiful." he said, walking up to me, putting both of his hands around my waist, as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You're not too bad yourself." I responded, "I miss this."

"So do I."

Maybe we should rethink all of this." I began, "We can let it go, we have enough money, investments, we'll always have a cushion."

"If we lose our positions, it'll be hard in this town. You know it's all about who you know, the connections, the favors owed, baby you know."

"I do and in reality, I know we can't but it's nice sometimes to think about. I miss us." I sighed.

"How about we compromise?" he asked, "We can take off for a month, be with one another?"

"The world never sleeps. Us leaving for a month? Wouldn't be wise. You and I both know you can't leave for a day a phone call, a text, something."

"Same for you Ms. Sienna Beckett, problem solver."

"It's Mrs. Sienna Beckett, problem solver to you sir."

"Mrs...I love hearing my last name on you." he kissed me, leading me to the bathroom. He turned on the shower, pulling me in, picking me up, wrapping my legs around him, as the steam began to fill the room.

My alarm went off the next morning, I hit it, turning it off. I rose out of bed, putting on my slippers and walking to the bathroom, closing the door preparing to do my morning routine. When I finished, I opened the door, with just my robe on and headed to the walk in closet, seeing which attire I would grace the world with for the day. I decided on a light teal two piece Versace suit, a mineral blue Brahmin bag and a pair of Versace heels. As I began getting dressed, I felt a presence behind me, knowing it was Lincoln.

"Good morning." I spoke softly, beginning to put on my attire.

"Good morning." he responded. He came into the closet and began to pick out his attire. He kept it simple with a pair of black Gucci slacks, a white "formal" tee that matched his looked and a pair of all black Gucci dress shoes. He matched it with a gold chain, his favorite gold Rolex watch and one of his many different colognes, though any smell he chose had me weak in the knees.

"Busy day?" he asked me.

"Is it ever not?" I asked, a smirk on my face.

"I'm proud of you, this was meant for you." I always loved the way he spoke life into me.

"Thank you baby, you don't know how much it means to me." A lot of times, he didn't. He was all I had, he was my family.

He walked over to me, we both stared at the mirror in front of us, "I'll repeat it everyday." He kissed my cheek and went to get ready.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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