My Jolly Savior Bold

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   (Little disclaimer: English is not my native language, but I try my best, I promise x.)




The night before, you were accused of stealing food.

You were really hungry; it had been a long week without eating because of a stupid punishment from sister Mary Eunice. That bitch seems to hate you very much.

Mary Eunice decided to punish you using her sharpest whip this time. You were sobbing and pleading when Kit appeared. He swore her that it was him who stole the biscuits. She probably didn't even believe it, but she ordered the guards to beat the poor boy up anyway, and then, they just threw him in a punishment cell, alone and writhing in pain.

After all of that, you felt very miserable and guilty; those feelings were devouring you inside. You could not let him rot in a cell, lying on his own blood, completely alone because of you. Your heart broke just thinking about it; so you decided to make him a surprise visit...




'' What are you doing here?! You can't be here. If they-'' He tries to get up from the thin mattress, but he can't. His broken rib stabs his flesh at the first movement he makes.

''Shh, shh.'' You cover his mouth with your hand. ''It's okay, Kit. There's a storm outside, so sister Mary Eunice decided playing a movie to reassure them.''

''But the guards...''

''They're busy.''

The guards were really busy, actually, you've taken care of that. In the kitchen, an unexpected fire had been started and soon all the guards and nurses would be trying to put it out.

''Oh, Kit, look what they did to you... Those stupid pigs! I'm going to kill them all!'' You can't help crying when you see how deep his wounds are.

''Hey, save those tears for when we're out of here, doll.'' He says wiping the tears off your salty face. ''I'm fine, this could be worst. At least I'm still alive. What about you, uh? Did they hurt you?''

''No. You took all the blows for me.'' You try to smile at him, but your face only reflects disgust and sadness.

''Well, that's good to hear.'' He smiles, trying to prevent you from start crying again.

You hold his hand and kiss it. You always feel a certain inner peace when he is around. Kit always makes Briarcliff a better place; that's like his superpower.

''I have something for you. I stole it from doctor Arthur's pantry.'' You wink at him and take a sandwich wrapped in newspaper from the pocket of your cardigan.

''You haven't learned anything, have you? You have to stop stealing or you will end badly. I mean it, Y/N.'' He says in a serious tone this time.

''Stealing from those pigs is not stealing, it's justice!''

''Yes, well... justice almost killed me last night.'' He jokes, without any hint of reproach though.

You both remain silent for a few minutes, just enjoying each other's company.



''Thank you, Kit. Thank you very much.''

''Thanks to you, doll; It's chicken, my favorite so far.'' He takes a big bite of the sandwich that you've handed him with a big playful smile.

''We'll have a lot of time to be together.'' He says while chewing the meat, ''but I'm serious Y/N, you must leave. Now.''

''Sounds like you don't want me to be here.'' You give him a friendly little nudge.

He laughs and shakes his head. ''When we're free, I won't let you walk away from me. That much I promise you.''

You caress his arm lovingly.

''Be good Kit Walker. Don't get into trouble and they'll let you out of this cell very soon.''

You kiss his forehead and begins to leave the cell in silence.

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