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3 months later

The babies are already 9 months old the first birthday was just 3 months away. Padme and Anakin were not prepared for their babies to grow up but were so excited to throw them a little party with just the 4 of them.

Padme and Anakin were sitting in the living room, sipping on some tea. They were talking about how fast time had flown by since Luke and Leia were born.

"Can you believe they're going to be one year old in just three months?" Padme said, smiling. Anakin shook his head. "It feels like just yesterday that you were having contractions and we had no time to get to the hospital." "I know," Padme said. "I was thinking we should have a little celebration for them. Nothing too big, just a small party with the four of us."

Anakin nodded. "That sounds like a great idea."

Padme smiled. "I was thinking we could have a little cake for the babies. Nothing too fancy, just a small one they can smash into." Anakin laughed. "I can already picture Luke and Leia covered in cake. It's going to be a mess." Padme grinned. "That's the whole point. It's their birthday, they should be able to make a mess if they want to."

Anakin leaned over and kissed her. "I love you, Padme." "I love you too, Anakin," she said, smiling. "And I can't wait to celebrate our babies' first birthday with you."

Anakin was sitting at his desk, going over the plans for the twins upcoming first birthday party. As he was looking at planets to travel to for an adventure, he couldn't help but think back to his own childhood and the painful memory of his mother's death. It had been years since he had lost her, but the pain was still fresh in his mind. He missed her dearly and wished she could have been there to see his children grow up.

Anakin closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He knew he couldn't dwell on the past forever. He had to focus on the present and make sure his children had a happy and memorable first birthday.

Padme walked over to Anakin's desk realizing he looked distressed. "Ani, is everything okay?" Padme asked, placing her hand on his arm. Anakin looked at her, his eyes full of pain. "I've been thinking about my mother," he said softly. Padme nodded, understanding. "It's been a long time since she passed away," she said gently.

Anakin shook his head. "No, it's not that. I had a dream last night. I saw her, I was reliving her death all over again." Padme's heart ached for Anakin. She knew how much he missed his mother and how much her death had affected him.

"Ani, I'm so sorry," Padme said, squeezing his arm. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Anakin shook his head. "No, there's nothing anyone can do. I just wish I could have been there for her."

Padme leaned in and wrapped her arms around Anakin, holding him close. "I know it's hard, Ani. But you can't blame yourself for what happened. You did everything you could to save her."

Anakin buried his face in Padme's shoulder, his body shaking with emotion. Padme held him tight, letting him know that she was there for him.

After a few moments, Anakin pulled away from Padme and looked at her with tears in his eyes. "Thank you, Padme," he said softly. "You always know just what to say." Padme smiled at him. "I love you, Ani. And I always will."

Padme looked up, her brow creased with concern. "Did you hear that?" she asked Anakin.

Anakin nodded, his eyes narrowing in worry. "I think it's Luke and Leia," he said, standing up. "Let's go check on them." They hurried into the baby room, they found Luke and Leia both crying in their cribs.

Anakin and Padme quickly scooped up the babies, trying to soothe them. "Shh, it's okay, little ones," Padme cooed, rocking Leia in her arms. Anakin took Luke, bouncing him gently up and down. "What's wrong, little guy?" he asked, looking into his son's big blue eyes.

Luke continued to cry, his tiny fists balled up in frustration. Anakin and Padme exchanged a worried look. They had never seen their children so upset before.

"We need to take them outside," Padme said, her voice firm. "Maybe some fresh air will help." Anakin nodded, and they quickly made their way to the garden. They sat down on a bench, holding Luke and Leia close.

The babies continued to cry, but slowly they began to calm down. Anakin and Padme talked softly to them, telling them that everything was going to be okay.

After a few minutes, Luke and Leia had stopped crying all together. They looked up at their parents with wide eyes, taking in the beauty of the garden around them. Anakin and Padme smiled at each other, relieved that their children were okay. They sat in silence, enjoying the warmth of the sun and the beauty of their garden.

Anakin and Padme were enjoying the beautiful day in their garden with Luke and Leia. They laid out a soft blanket on the grass to see if they would start crawling and placed the twins side by side. Luke and Leia looked up at their parents with wide eyes, taking in the beauty of the garden around them.

At first, the babies seemed unsure of what to do. They wiggled their arms and legs, but they didn't seem to be making much progress.

Anakin and Padme watched them closely, their hearts filled with love and pride. They knew that their children were destined for great things, and they were excited to see them grow and learn.

Suddenly, Luke started to wiggle forward, his little arms and legs working in unison. Leia followed suit, her chubby little hands reaching out to touch the grass. Anakin and Padme cheered them on, clapping and laughing as their children made their way across the lawn. The babies giggled and cooed, their eyes bright with wonder.

As they crawled, Luke and Leia discovered new things around them. They reached out to touch the flowers, the blades of grass, and the dirt. They explored their world with curiosity and joy.

Anakin and Padme watched in amazement as their children grew and learned before their eyes. They knew that there would be many more milestones to come, but this one would always be special.

As the sun began to set, Anakin and Padme scooped up their babies, feeling grateful for the love and wonder that filled their lives. They knew that their family was blessed, and they would always cherish the memories.

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