3. First day on set

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My alarm woke me up at 05:00 am. I sat straight in bed and then hopped out threw my clothes on, took my script,Phone and my keys. I went out of the Hotel, surprisingly there were no fans. I took a Taxi to the studios . The Minute I got out of the Taxi I was surrounded by fans. But luckily a security guard distracted them so I could went inside. Inside the first person I met was Zendaya.

She said: "Hi Y/N, Nice to finally meet you! I heard so much about you! I'm Zendaya but you can call me Z."                                                                                                                                                                             "Hi Z, nice to meet you too! I'm sorry I'm a little bit late.Could you please show me the way to the Make-Up artists?"     I asked.                                                                                                                                                                                   "Of course just follow me ok?"                                                                                                                                                                               "Thank you so much! You're a life saver! I think I still need my  Outfit too."

Zendaya brought me to a room where all the other cast members sat in  chairs and a few other people walked around them with brushes and other things you need for Make-Up. I think that're the Make-Up artists. I thought


I sat in my chair and repeated my lines for the next scene. But suddenly the door opened and I didn't believed my eyes. It was the one and only Y/N. I caught myself staring at her, I blushed slightly and looked fast away. 

Z said: "Everyone, this THE Y/N!"        

Robert quickly stood up and went to Y/N:

"Hey Y/N, Long time no see! How are you?" Aha they know each other already. I thought.                                                                 "I'm good, thank you! How are you?" Y/N asked.                                                                                               "I'm good too!" Robert answered.                      

The others introduced themselvesIt turned out that Robert and Y/N knew each other from another movie. I was a little bit jealous because he knew Y/N already but then I introduced myself.                                                                                                                                                                                   "H-hey, I-i'm Tom H-holland, I think you know who I am right?  I mean literally everyone knows who I am right?  How are you? I'm Talking too much right?" 

I talked very fast because I was very nervous. But she just giggled and smiled at me. And I blushed slightly again. Looked at Robert and he winked at me. I opened my mouth to say something but I got interrupted.

"Everybody please to set except Y/N she have to get her Make-Up and Outfit done first."

I was a little bit sad because I wanted to talk to her longer but she said:  

"See you later at set Tom"                                                                                                                                             "Y-Yeah see ya later" I stammered.

I made my way to the set and as I looked at Chris he winked at me too and mouthed: "You like her?".

Time skip: After shoot in the locker room


I walked in the locker room I were very tired the day was harder than I thought it would be. As I packed all my things in my bag Tom walked to me and said: 

"Hey Y/N do you want to hang out later?" 

  Oh my fucking God! Tom Holland asked me to hang out with him! Inside I was totally freaking out.

"Sure, where?" I asked and tried to sound not too excited.                                                                       "How about the park? And later we could go get ice cream."                                                                              " That sounds perfect but first I have to go to the Hotel and change see you later Tom!" 

I got a Taxi and went to the Hotel. I went to my room and got changed the my Phone vibrated. 

 ————————-Text Massages—————————

Unknown Number 

Is this Y/N?


Yes, who are you?

Unknown Number 

this is Tom I just wanted to ask if 8 pm would be ok?


Of course see you at the park! 👋🏼


See ya 👋🏼 

—————————Text Massages end—————————

OMG I had to phone Y/B/F/N 


You: "Guess What!"

Y/B/F/N : "Hello you too I'm good thank you!"

You: "Sorry Hello, so guess what!"

Y/B/F/N: "What?"

You: "I'm gonna go to the park with Tom!"

Y/B/F/N: "And why did yo-WAIT  TOM? LIKE IN TOM HOLLAND?"

You :" YES EXACTLY ! He asked me in the locker room as  I packed my things and wanted go."


You: "Yes I'm already changed and I showered I think I should go know It's already 7:45 pm"

Y/B/F/N: "Ok but I need details later! promise me you call me later! And be careful!"

You: "Of course and I will be safe I mean I'm with Spider-man 😂"

Y/B/F/N: "You're right😂. Bye"

You: "Bye"

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxCall endxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


I hope you liked it so far if you got anything to say comment below 👇🏼 😊

Word count:747


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