chapter two

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Chapter 2

"Oi, you, shower, now," Camila points at me, stern expression planted on her features. She's been trying to get everyone to shower for the past two hours.

I oblige, grudgingly, I haven't left my nest on the couch since breakfast because Luz put on a 'movie'. It's just like what we get on the crystal ball (wheeze) just this time it's on a box called a "television".

It's interesting how showers are warm here, back in the emperor's castle we were only allowed a two minute shower under ice cold water.

Once everyone is finally ready -we woke up at eight but now it's eleven, Camila is not impressed- we pile into the 'bus'. Apparently, we need new clothes, or new 'trains' I'm not entirely sure. At any rate, at least the beanies we have to wear to hide our ears are cool.

"Hey Gus, kinda can't breathe here," Hunter splutters, with the younger kid squeezed in the middle of us.

There are too many people here. Noise floods my ears and I have to keep closing my eyes to deal with it. I don't think I like 'busses'. It stinks for starters, then there are two many bright lights and grime that lines the insides.

And.. I keep getting stared at but I have no idea why.

I have never been more relieved to get out of somewhere. Finally off the bus, in our small group, we stand in front of a large building with the words "shopping centre" in front of them.

I entwine Hunter's fingers with mine; it's funny how holding hands is such a common thing for us, when only a few months ago Hunter wouldn't be caught dead without his gloves.

"Well... welcome to Gravesfield!" Luz waves her hands in front of us, I notice for the first time today that her voice is hoarse and eyes have bold circles underneath. I guess leaving the boiling isles must have left a significant impact on her.. I'll check up on her if this continues.

Gravesfield could be your average town, if not for the older houses and lack of potion shops. Yet Amity still kisses Luz's cheek, proclaiming, "it looks wonderful, sweet potato," when Camila isn't looking (I have no idea how she doesn't know they're dating).

"Hey, why don't you call me things like sweet potato?" Hunter jabs me in the ribs, his eyes twinkling with smuggery and I almost curdle with embarrassment.
"Because you're the total opposite of a sweet potato," I say with mock annoyance.
"What even is the opposite of a sweet potato-? The opposite of sweet could be sour but there's no opposite for potato... Is there?"

This discussion somehow lasts until we reach the clothes shop where Camila gives us free range. We separate into respective groups, Luz showing Amity and Willow her favourite sections whilst Hunter and I abduct Gus and Vee goes with her mom.

"Y/n, Gus look at these!" Hunter pulls out a rack of shirts hidden behind some coats. They all have the same creature on. It looks a bit like a dog but larger and fluffier.

"They're called... wolves-" Gus reads from the label.

The shop goes silent at his outburst and Hunter's face turns red.
"Hey I think they look quite cool," I try to make Hunter feel better, offering him a warm smile.
He nods, eyes bright again, picking up one of the shirts.

We walk around for a bit, it's not the biggest shop but it has quite a large selection. Gus makes his way over to some different shirts, picking up a blue one with circles emblazoned on the front. "This works." All in all, he doesn't seem too bothered about the clothes, focused more on the clothes hangers and talking to every single person in the store.

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