Quiet in the Realm

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Halaena cried inconsolably over the death of her heir Jahaerys. She was filled with confusion and grief, and her screams echoed throughout the palace.

Aemond, Alicent, and Otto rushed to her side, trying to console her. But she seemed to be losing her grip on reality, showing signs of madness as her grief consumed her. They tried to calm her down and make sense of what had happened, but Halaena was too consumed by her emotions to listen to reason.

It was a tragic turn of events for Halaena and the kingdom, and no one knew what the future held for them.

Aemond stormed into the grand chamber where his grandfather, Otto, sat contemplating the recent tragedy that had befallen their family. His face was set with determination, his eyes burning with a fierce resolve.

"Grandfather," Aemond declared, his voice filled with righteous indignation, "there can be no talk of negotiation or peace. What they have done to Halaena's heir, Jahaerys, is nothing short of cold-blooded murder. Our enemies must be made to pay for their heinous act."

Otto looked up from his pensive state, his aged face lined with a mix of sorrow and fury. He understood the depth of Aemond's anger, having lost family members to the same cruel hands of fate in his own past.

"You speak true, Aemond," Otto replied, his voice heavy with grief and determination. "This is an affront that cannot go unanswered. Such a vile act demands retribution, and justice must be served."

As the words lingered in the air, a distant sound reached their ears—a resonating roar that seemed to shake the very foundations of the palace. It was Vhagar, the ancient dragon, making its presence known, as if the creature itself shared in the shared fury and thirst for vengeance.

Aemond's eyes widened, a flicker of recognition sparking within them. "Did you hear that, Grandfather? It is as if Vhagar's roar echoes the rage burning within my own heart. We cannot allow this act to go unpunished."

Otto, a seasoned strategist, understood the weight of Aemond's words. He knew that the time for diplomacy had passed, replaced by an unyielding determination to protect their family's honor and seek retribution for the innocent blood that had been shed.

"We shall gather our allies, Aemond," Otto vowed, his voice steady and resolute. "We will forge alliances, marshal our forces, and show no mercy to those responsible. They will face the full wrath."

Aemond nodded, his jaw clenched in grim determination. The shared anger he felt with Vhagar's roar confirmed his path, the path of righteous vengeance and uncompromising justice.

"Prepare the armies, Grandfather," Aemond commanded, his voice low and filled with resolve. "Let it be known that we will not rest until we have brought the perpetrators of this heinous act to their knees. They will pay dearly for their crimes."

Together, Aemond and Otto stood, united in their quest for justice. The echoes of Vhagar's roar reverberated in their hearts, fueling their determination and strengthening their bond. With unwavering resolve, they vowed to unleash the full fury guided by the shared anger that burned within their souls. The time for reckoning had come.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2023 ⏰

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